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Copy name and full path to clipboard

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    Requested Copy name and full path to clipboard

    Nothing desperate, but a sad longing...I have often wanted to make a list while "thumbing" through a lot of images with IrfanView. There is no way to do this with IV except in an oblique and awkward way through the Slideshow dialog. It would be a great help to be able to get the name of an image on the clipboard with a simple key command. In the background I would have one of my smart text editors "catching" all the names - voilá, a list of files in many different places. The list could be used for a batch conversion too.

    I can do it with a file manager, but I need to preview the images with Irfanview anyway, to be sure which ones I want. It would be soooo nice to have a simple way to get the path directly from the viewer.
    Its: Belongs to "It"
    It's: Shortened form of "It is"
    Lose: Fail to keep
    Loose: Not tight

    Plurals do not require apostrophes

    Support. At least it would be nice for people that don't use TCommander, which can have a shortcut for this, with or without full path.
    Rest In Peace, Sam!


      So does Free Commander
      Another angle on this - to save a list of tagged files from the thumb viewer.
      Its: Belongs to "It"
      It's: Shortened form of "It is"
      Lose: Fail to keep
      Loose: Not tight

      Plurals do not require apostrophes


        Sorry I know it's been a while but I think it would be a very cool feature. You can get to an image from the Windows wallpaper (background) settings - not from Windows Explorer (in which you can copy the path).
        It should be nice to implement two shortcut keys:
        Ctrl + Alt + Ins - copy Path to the file (folder where the image is)
        Alt + Ins - copy Path and filename (complete path to the file and filename)
        just like in Free Commander



          I confess that I did not fully understand what was being requested in the original posts, Zed, but now that you have added that reference to windows wallpaper I am totally confused.
          Are you trying to work with thumbnails, or with images in the main viewing window, and where do you intend to paste the path/file names that you have copied?

          Matera, in the early posts, seems to want to create lists of selected files so presumably wanted to paste into a text editor. In fact there is a bit of progress since these posts were made in creating such a list. Using the tag feature in Irfanview is not very flexible since tags can only be set in a single folder before having to save them somehow. If you Browse to or select another folder all the tags in the previous one are lost. I discussed with Irfan Skiljan the possibility of tagging multiple folders when the subject last arose and he thought it would be too complicated.
          However he did make the method using the slideshow folder, which Matera refers to in the first post as being oblique and awkward, a bit easier to use a few versions back. The method is to open the slideshow dialog, clear the list and close it. You can then add file names (with full path) to that list by selecting images in either viewer or thumbnail windows and pressing the F4 key.
          At the time Matera wrote you could not do that in thumbnails but now you can make multiple selections there and save all of them with one press of F4.
          Another small improvement is that the Load file list from Text file option in Thumbnails will now accept .lst as well as .txt files, so you can quickly browse to Slideshow.lst (probably in your Appdata\Roaming\Irfanview folder) and load that when you want to use the list you have created. Still oblique but arguably a slightly lesser slope to climb.
          Last edited by Mij; 18.12.2013, 03:21 PM.


            Workaround using AutoHotkey

            While this feature is still missing, one workaround involve the use of AutoHotkey.

            The following script will replace the Ctrl+Shift+C hotkey, and change it so that the file path is copoied to clipboard:

            #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
            SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
            SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
            ; If IV is running, then the script will modify the key combination Ctrl+Shift+C to
            ; copy file path (oposed to set image as desktop background)
            ; OPTIONAL: Following code ensure that script terminates when IV close. Delete (or comment out)
            ; line 10 - 19 for letting the script run until manually stopped by user.
            SetTimer, check_window, 500
            IfWinNotExist, ahk_class IrfanView
            	TrayTip, "IrfanView check", IrfanView har being closed. Script terminate.
            	Sleep 3000
            	ExitApp, 1
            ; Ensures that hotkey manipulation works ONLY when IrfanView program window is active (most foremost)
            #IfWinActive ahk_class IrfanView
            WinWait, ahk_class IrfanView, , 5
            if errorlevel
            	MsgBox, 0, venter på vindu, IrfanView ikke funnet på 5 sekunder - avslutter
            	ExitApp, 1
            ; Remove any existing content on clipboard.
            clipboard =  
            WinActivate, ahk_class IrfanView
            Sleep 300
            ; Simulate key press "i" to open image properties dialog box (ipdb).
            Send, i
            WinWaitActive, IrfanView - Image properties, , 2
            ; If ipdb for some reason fail to open, user get an error message and script terminate.
            if errorlevel
            	MsgBox, 0, Waiting, Image properties window didn't appear. Script terminates now.
            	ExitApp, 1
            ; Hit tab three times
            Send, {TAB 3}
            ; COpy text (image path) to clipboard
            Send, {CTRLDOWN}c{CTRLUP}
            ; Waiting until clipboard contains data (in most cases this command could be ommitted without any effect)
            ; Quits the ipdb
            Send, {ALTDOWN}o{ALTUP}
            ; OPTIONAL - Make a tray tip (baloon) appear. User should be confident that image path is actually copied to clipboard
            TrayTip, File path, %clipboard%, 4
            If it hurts not to drint, don't waste the bottle then.


              The full path can also be copied from the File Information dialogue:

              C:\Users\Bhikkhu Pesala\Pictures\Attachments.png
              Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.62 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

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                Originally posted by Bhikkhu Pesala View Post
                The full path can also be copied from the File Information dialogue:

                C:\Users\Bhikkhu Pesala\Pictures\Attachments.png
                Yes, that is what the script does. It just perform all the mouse clicks and other key press so that the user doesn't have to.

                Forgot to say (but help file for Autohotkeys will tell anyway) that the file must be saved with ahk extension to work.
                If it hurts not to drint, don't waste the bottle then.

