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Wunsch: Öffnen des Gedcom-Formats mit IrfanView!

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    Requested Wunsch: Öffnen des Gedcom-Formats mit IrfanView!

    The GEDCOM format is now accepted throughout the world as the most
    common format for genealogy data.
    Everybody, who enjoys genealogy (where you from?), has to deal with
    the difficulties of handling these GEDCOM files.
    Epecially when you have a GEDCOM file already, but it would be easier
    to read it and type it manually and therefore adding to your existing
    I believe, its a kind of ASCII format.
    So far, there is no GEDCOM viewer. All the genealogy programs
    (with over 100MB size btw) manage those data to be included
    in their own view only.

    Diese files im format GEDCOM sind inzwischen international akzeptiert
    als die gelaeufigsten Formate fuer Genealogie.
    Jeder, der sich mit Genealogie beschaeftigt (wo kommst Du denn her ?),
    muss frueher oder spaeter sich mit den Datenbanken bezueglich Eingabe-
    oder Uebernahme- methoden beschaeftigen.
    Hier ist noch ein link:

    Ich glaube, es ist eine Art ASCII format.

    Alle Genealogie Programme auf dem Markt, sind aber zu umfangreich
    (soll ich wirklich ein 100 MB Programm installieren ?),
    ausserdem erlauben die Genealogie Programe keine Sicht auf die Daten selbst,
    sondern verarbeiten diese sogleich, um diese in einem Formular darzustellen.

    Vielen Dank!
    Last edited by lbdude; 19.06.2009, 12:55 AM. Reason: I should write in english, I guess.

    They are readable in a text editor.
    Its: Belongs to "It"
    It's: Shortened form of "It is"
    Lose: Fail to keep
    Loose: Not tight

    Plurals do not require apostrophes


      If its so easy, why IV can't do it?

      The title says it all.
      I can read the gedcom file with Notepad.
      But when I try to read it with IV, there comes the error message
      "Can't read file header - UNKNOWN file format !"

      So - I have to use Notepad to read the textfiles in the directory
      and at the same time, I use IV to see the portraits or
      gravestones of my ancestors and then at the same time
      I need my genealogie program to organize it and put it all together.

      This procedure sounds really complicated,
      and it is even more complicated,
      when you have to do it like that all the time.

      I really wish wish wish - please - PLEASE - make IV read the GEDCOM.

      AND also, make IV the primary program, that opens the gedcom file.
      Because everytime I accidentally doubleklick on a gedcom file,
      automatically my genie-program takes over to read it.
      And of course my genie-program forgets the old file.
      I got a heart attack the first time it happened.
      Imagine you work 6 month to research and
      put 300 people in the genie-program,
      and then its all gone, because of that.
      I found the big genie-file again, but it took me a while.

      Vielen DANK

      PS : Und hier noch ein weiterer Link, so dass Ihr es ganz leicht habt
      und nicht mehr so muehsam suchen braucht.

      Last edited by lbdude; 20.06.2009, 07:26 AM. Reason: Link hinzugefuegt

