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Different filetype icons for JPG, PNG, GIF, WEBP

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    Implemented Different filetype icons for JPG, PNG, GIF, WEBP

    Currently there is only one file type icon and it's very misleading because that one icon can mean the image type can be anything... It would be way more productive to tell filetype simply by differing filetype icons. I am surprised this hasn't been already an option for years because it was available back in 2009 in Windows 7 for default photo viewer..

    I'm using W11 24H2, and 4.70 IF.

    I think it's possible to do it manually via FileTypesMan, if it's easy to replace it here, why can't it already be built inside of irfanview?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-12-03 202734.png
Views:	295
Size:	321.7 KB
ID:	98733
    Last edited by userx; 03.12.2024, 06:28 PM.

    There is a plugin called ICONS.DLL which contains other sheet+extension style icons. You can activate it in the Settings -> Extensions -> Icons -> Use different icons (Icons-Plugin). Note that on Windows NT 10 file associations are restricted, and Windows will ask to confirm that you want to use the new "App". If you don't confirm this, the associations will be stuck with the old progid.


      Originally posted by j7n View Post
      There is a plugin called ICONS.DLL which contains other sheet+extension style icons. You can activate it in the Settings -> Extensions -> Icons -> Use different icons (Icons-Plugin). Note that on Windows NT 10 file associations are restricted, and Windows will ask to confirm that you want to use the new "App". If you don't confirm this, the associations will be stuck with the old progid.
      I checked, and I have icons.dll plugin enabled in irfanview ("installed plugins"). Also, I already had enabled "Use different icons (Icons-Plugin)" but it has no effect and there is a default irfanview icon showing. I tried setting it to other icons as well, but there is no change. File Explorer, just shows the basic red irfanview icon.


        Try to regenerate the associations. Remove them, then make them again with the Icons-plugin selected. Maybe if you had created them with the single icon in the past, they stay that way. Check in the registry or with FileTypesMan that the DefaultIcon value has changed to ..\icons.dll,123.


          FileTypesMan is very useful.


            Originally posted by IrfanUserGuyxyx View Post
            FileTypesMan is very useful.
            That's what I did at the end.
            Used icon as png, then converted to ico using batch png to ico tool and replaced using filetypesman. Now everything is working.

            They can also be easily recognizeable from 16x16 icon size
            Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	5.3 KB ID:	98740
            Last edited by userx; 08.12.2024, 04:46 AM.


              What I do is put all my icons under C:\Icons with systematic names like imagjpeg.ico. Then make ProgIds in the form of ZZ_jpeg, which sort together alpahbeticaly. Then I can install a new computer, connect via remote registry to my main computer, and transfer all my customized associations. (It takes a while to load HKCR, but not as long as recreating associations.) If I keep my program installations in the same path, then all works immediately, and the shock of using a blank computer is lessened considerably. The extra tools are only helpful when browsing for an icon visually and the DLL contains several icons. But other than that creating folders in the registry is as easy. Registry Workshop can copy and paste.

              Windows 2022 requires me to confirm every association once with a forced Open With dialog in metro style. I hate it, but what can you do.

              I have used the Icons.dll before and it worked, but I've not done so on Windows 10.

              I have deleted OEMDefaultAssociations.dll and OEMDefaultAssociations.xml to prevent Microsoft associations from being restored. Give Administrators full permissions under the key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Exp lorer\FileExts and deleted everything under there (this is where Open With is stored). My blood pressure rise when Microsoft says that Access is Denied on my own computer.

              On Windows 10 the following extensions are especially protected:

              .3g2 .3gp .3gp2 .3gpp .aac .adt .adts .avi .bmp .dib .flac .gif .htm .html .jfif .jpe .jpeg .jpg .m2t .m2ts .m3u .m4a .m4v .mkv .mod .mov .MP2 .mp3 .mp4 .mp4v .mpa .MPE .mpeg .mpg .mpv2 .mts .pdf .png .tif .tiff .TS .TTS .txt .url .wav .website .wm .wma .wmv .WPL http https microsoft-edge microsoft-edge-holographic ms-xbl-3d8b930f

              There is a driver called ucpd.sys which adds additional protection.

              The Open With dialog is not only Flat, ugly and intrusive, but also flawed in what it tries to communicate. If one of the associated programs doesn't exist, it will ask if you want to continue using this "app" and shows the icon of the first associated application (not the one that was missing). If you make a new progid that points to the same application as the old, it will ask about the same application. If you do not confirm, it will freeze the previous choice completely in the FileExts key. There is no cancel button or any button. Clicking outside the little Metro window acts like the No button.
              Last edited by j7n; 08.12.2024, 10:41 AM.

