I'm looking for an easy way to get tif\jpg dimensions from a command line. You'd kinda think that if you can get it from Windows you could get it from a command prompt, but anyways...
I'm working with irfanview, and I'm trying to figure out a way to return dimensions to a text file. I found the /info command, and I can write the data to a textfile. Now I'm trying to find out if there is a way to
A.) Do all of the images in all of the subdirectories of a selected directory. (IE dir /s)
B.) Get JUST the dimensions, not all the other stuff.
Any help is greatly appreciated...it amazes me that I've been surfing the net for a half hour, and not found a good command line utility for getting image dimensions...
I'm working with irfanview, and I'm trying to figure out a way to return dimensions to a text file. I found the /info command, and I can write the data to a textfile. Now I'm trying to find out if there is a way to
A.) Do all of the images in all of the subdirectories of a selected directory. (IE dir /s)
B.) Get JUST the dimensions, not all the other stuff.
Any help is greatly appreciated...it amazes me that I've been surfing the net for a half hour, and not found a good command line utility for getting image dimensions...