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    Here is a batch script for processing files with IV.
    I did my best to make it versatile and easily configurable.
    @Echo off & SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    ::: Irfanize.cmd
    ::: A script for processing images with IrfanView
    ::: Usage: drag&drop a file or folder onto the script
    ::: or run the script in a folder that you want processed
    ::: or specify a file/folder on the command line
    ::: Adjust options below to make script do what you need
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Edit this part ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Set IrfanExe=
    ::: Leave blank if IV is installed in default location
    ::: (64-bit takes precedence if both versions are installed)
    ::: Otherwise specify full path to executable, without quotes
    ::: e.g. IrfanExe=D:\My Progs\IrfanView\i_view32.exe
    Set IniDir=
    ::: Leave blank to use the default configuration file
    ::: Otherwise specify a folder that contains i_view32/i_view64.ini
    ::: e.g. IniDir=%~dp0 if .ini is in script folder
    Set InputExt=
    ::: Specify one or more input file types separated by commas or spaces
    ::: e.g. InputExt=jpg,png,gif
    ::: Leave blank to accept all file types
    ::: InputExt is only used when processing folders
    Set Recursive=No
    ::: Yes=process subfolders
    Set ActionParams=
    ::: Specify what to do with images; see IV help->Command Line Options
    ::: e.g. ActionParams=/crop=(0,0,128,128,0) /vflip /invert
    ::: Leave blank if you are simply looking to convert between formats
    Set OutputExt=
    ::: Specify output format, e.g. OutputExt=png
    ::: Leave blank to keep the source file type
    Set OutputSuffix=
    ::: You can append a string to output filename
    ::: e.g. if OutputSuffix=_new, then img.jpg->img_new.jpg
    Set OutputAutoRename=No
    ::: Yes=autorename output if file already exists, e.g. img_new(1).jpg
    ::: Note: utilizes /makecopy option introduced in IV 4.38
    Set OutputDir=
    ::: If you specify a name, e.g. OutputDir=IVOutput
    ::: output will be saved to that subfolder (in source folder)
    ::: You can also specify an absolute path, e.g. OutputDir=D:\Pics
    ::: Leave blank to save output to the source folder (not recommended)
    Set OverwriteInput=No
    ::: Yes=output will be same as input, i.e. replace source file(s)
    ::: (overrides OutputExt, OutputSuffix, OutputAutoRename, OutputDir)
    Set DeleteInput=No
    ::: Yes=delete source file(s) after processing
    ::: Not deleted if OverwriteInput=Yes or if processing failed
    ::: In folder mode this option is only allowed if InputExt is specified
    If not %1.==. If not exist "%~f1" Echo Invalid path specified. & Goto End
    If not "%IrfanExe%"=="" (If not exist "%IrfanExe%" (Echo Invalid IrfanView executable specified. & Goto End)) Else (
    If exist "%ProgramFiles%\IrfanView\i_view64.exe" (Set "IrfanExe=%ProgramFiles%\IrfanView\i_view64.exe") Else (
    If exist "%ProgramW6432%\IrfanView\i_view64.exe" (Set "IrfanExe=%ProgramW6432%\IrfanView\i_view64.exe") Else (
    If exist "%ProgramFiles%\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" (Set "IrfanExe=%ProgramFiles%\IrfanView\i_view32.exe") Else (
    If exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" (Set "IrfanExe=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\IrfanView\i_view32.exe") Else (
    Echo IrfanView executable could not be located. & Goto End)))))
    Set K=!IrfanExe:~-12,8!
    If not "%IniDir%"==""  (
       If "%K%"=="i_view64" (
          If not exist "%IniDir%\i_view64.ini" (Echo i_view64.ini is missing in specified dir. & Goto End)) Else (
       If "%K%"=="i_view32" (
          If not exist "%IniDir%\i_view32.ini" (Echo i_view32.ini is missing in specified dir. & Goto End)))
       Set "IniDir=/ini=^"%IniDir%^""
    If /I "%OverwriteInput%"=="Yes" (
       Set OutputExt=
       Set OutputSuffix=
       Set OutputDir=
    ) Else (
         If "%OutputExt%"=="" (If "%OutputSuffix%"=="" (If "%OutputDir%"=="" (
            Echo The script isn't set up to output anything. See usage info inside. & Goto End)))
         If /I "%OutputAutoRename%"=="Yes" Set "ActionParams=%ActionParams% /makecopy"
         If not "%OutputDir%"=="" Set "OutputDir=%OutputDir%\"
    If "%K%"=="i_view64" (Echo IrfanView ^(64-bit^)) Else (
    If "%K%"=="i_view32" (Echo IrfanView ^(32-bit^)))
    If %1.==. Goto FolderMode
    If exist "%~f1\*.*" Goto FolderMode
    Echo Processing %~nx1...
    If "%OutputExt%"=="" (Set OutputExt=%~x1) Else (Set OutputExt=.%OutputExt%)
    If /I "%OverwriteInput%"=="Yes" (
       "%IrfanExe%" ""%~f1" %IniDir% %ActionParams% /convert=%~f1 /silent"
       If Errorlevel 2 (Echo Error saving output^^!) Else (
          If Errorlevel 1 (Echo Error loading file^^!)
    ) Else (
         If /I not "%~f1"=="%OutputDir%%~n1%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt%!" (
            If /I not "%~f1"=="%~dp1%OutputDir%%~n1%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt%!" (
               "%IrfanExe%" ""%~f1" %IniDir% %ActionParams% /convert=%OutputDir%%~n1%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt! /silent"
               If Errorlevel 2 (Echo Error saving output^^!) Else (
                  If Errorlevel 1 (Echo Error loading file^^!) Else (
                     If /I "%DeleteInput%"=="Yes" (
                        CD /D "%~dp1"
                        If exist "%OutputDir%%~n1%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt%!" (
                           Del /F /Q "%~f1"
    Echo Finished.
    Goto End
    If %1.==. (Set "SrcDir=%~dp0") Else (Set "SrcDir=%~f1\")
    If not "%InputExt%"=="" (
       Set I=
       Set L=
       If /I "%Recursive%"=="Yes" (Echo Scanning for files with specified extension^(s^)...)
       For %%G in (%InputExt%) Do (
          Set I=!I!*.%%G,
          If exist "%SrcDir%*.%%G" (Set L=found) Else (
             If /I "%Recursive%"=="Yes" (
                CD /D "%SrcDir%"
                For /D /R %%J in ("*") Do (If exist "%%J\*.%%G" Set L=found)
       If not "!L!"=="found" Echo No files with specified extension^(s^) found. & Goto End
       Set InputExt=!I:~0,-1!
    ) Else (Set InputExt=*.*)
    If not "%OutputExt%"=="" Set OutputExt=.%OutputExt%
    Echo Processing...
    Echo %SrcDir%
    Set K=1
    Set J=%K%
    For /F "tokens=%K% delims=\" %%G in ("%SrcDir%") Do (Set /A K+=1)
    If not "%J%"=="%K%" Goto SrcDirDepth
    Set /A K-=1
    Set FileCount=0
    Set ErrorCount=0
    If /I "%Recursive%"=="Yes" (
       Set "L=%SrcDir%"
       For /R "%SrcDir%" %%G in (%InputExt%) Do (
          If not "%%~fG"=="%~f0" (
             If /I not "%%~dpG"=="%OutputDir%" (
                Set "H=%%~pG"
                Set "H=!H:~0,-1!"
                For %%I in ("!H!") Do (Set H=%%~nxI)
                Set "H=!H!\"
                If /I not "!H!"=="%OutputDir%" (
                   If /I not "!L!"=="%%~dpG" (
                      For /F "tokens=%K%* delims=\" %%I in ("%%~dpG") Do (
                         Echo   %%J
                   Echo     %%~nxG
                   If "%OutputExt%"=="" Set OutputExt=%%~xG
                   If /I "%OverwriteInput%"=="Yes" (
                      "%IrfanExe%" ""%%~fG" %IniDir% %ActionParams% /convert=%%~fG /silent"
                      If Errorlevel 2 (Echo     Error saving output^^! & Set /A ErrorCount+=1) Else (
                         If Errorlevel 1 (Echo     Error loading file^^! & Set /A ErrorCount+=1) Else (
                            Set /A FileCount+=1
                   ) Else (
                        If /I not "%%~fG"=="%OutputDir%%%~nG%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt%!" (
                           If /I not "%%~fG"=="%%~dpG%OutputDir%%%~nG%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt%!" (
                              "%IrfanExe%" ""%%~fG" %IniDir% %ActionParams% /convert=%OutputDir%%%~nG%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt! /silent"
                              If Errorlevel 2 (Echo     Error saving output^^! & Set /A ErrorCount+=1) Else (
                                 If Errorlevel 1 (Echo     Error loading file^^! & Set /A ErrorCount+=1) Else (
                                    Set /A FileCount+=1
                                    If /I "%DeleteInput%"=="Yes" (
                                       If not "%InputExt%"=="*.*" (
                                          CD /D "%%~dpG"
                                          If exist "%OutputDir%%%~nG%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt%!" (
                                             Del /F /Q "%%~fG"
                   Set "L=%%~dpG"
    ) Else (
         CD /D "%SrcDir%"
         For %%G in (%InputExt%) Do (
            If not "%%~fG"=="%~f0" (
               Echo    %%~nxG
               If "%OutputExt%"=="" Set OutputExt=%%~xG
               If /I "%OverwriteInput%"=="Yes" (
                  "%IrfanExe%" ""%%~fG" %IniDir% %ActionParams% /convert=%%~fG /silent"
                  If Errorlevel 2 (Echo    Error saving output^^! & Set /A ErrorCount+=1) Else (
                     If Errorlevel 1 (Echo    Error loading file^^! & Set /A ErrorCount+=1) Else (
                        Set /A FileCount+=1
               ) Else (
                    If /I not "%%~fG"=="%OutputDir%%%~nG%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt%!" (
                       If /I not "%%~fG"=="%%~dpG%OutputDir%%%~nG%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt%!" (
                          "%IrfanExe%" ""%%~fG" %IniDir% %ActionParams% /convert=%OutputDir%%%~nG%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt! /silent"
                          If Errorlevel 2 (Echo    Error saving output^^! & Set /A ErrorCount+=1) Else (
                             If Errorlevel 1 (Echo    Error loading file^^! & Set /A ErrorCount+=1) Else (
                                Set /A FileCount+=1
                                If /I "%DeleteInput%"=="Yes" (
                                   If not "%InputExt%"=="*.*" (
                                      CD /D "%%~dpG"
                                      If exist "%OutputDir%%%~nG%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt%!" (
                                         Del /F /Q "%%~fG"
    Echo Finished.
    Echo %FileCount% files successfully processed.
    Echo %ErrorCount% errors.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Gownaar; 27.12.2016, 10:30 AM. Reason: Update

    I may be completely overlooking it, and if so, I apologize. But where do you specify the input/source folder path?


      Script not working - please help?

      This script would be perfect for my needs, but I can't seem to get it working. Here is what I've done.

      1. Copied the original code from above and saved as Irfanize.cmd file INSIDE THE SOURCE FOLDER of the directory I want to irfanize.
      2. Edited only the settings as follows:

      Set IrfanDir=
      Set InputExt=jpg
      Set Recursive=No
      Set ActionParams=/resize_long=2000 /dpi=(300,300) /aspectratio
      Set OutputExt=
      Set OutputSuffix=
      Set OutputAutoRename=No
      Set OutputDir=E:\Temp only\Image Sizing Tests\Sized\2500
      Set OverwriteInput=No

      3. Double clicked the Irfanize.cmd file. [When I do this, the command window pops up and disappears instantly..producing no results]
      4. Since step 3 didn't work, I alternatively opened a blank command window from the image source folder and simply pasted the contents of the infanize.cmd file. This produced no results either. I'll paste the resulting code here:

      E:\Temp only\Image Sizing Tests\Full Resolution Master>@Echo off & SetLocal Enab
      ::: Irfanize.cmd
      ::: A script for processing images with IrfanView.
      ::: Can process a single file or all images in a folder.
      ::: Run from a folder that you want processed or specify a
      ::: file/folder on the command line / drag&drop onto the script.
      :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Edit this part ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
      Set IrfanDir=
      ::: Specify IrfanView location.
      ::: Leave blank if IV is installed in default location.
      Set InputExt=jpg
      ::: Specify one or more input file types separated by commas or spaces.
      ::: e.g. InputExt=jpg,png,gif
      ::: Leave blank to accept all file types.
      ::: InputExt is only used when processing folders.
      Set Recursive=No
      ::: Yes=process subfolders
      Set ActionParams=/resize_long=2000 /dpi=(300,300) /aspectratio
      ::: Specify what to do with images; see IV help->Command Line Options.
      ::: e.g. ActionParams=/crop=(0,0,128,128,0) /vflip /invert
      ::: Leave blank if you are simply looking to convert between formats.
      Set OutputExt=
      ::: Specify output format, e.g. OutputExt=png
      ::: Leave blank to keep the source file type.
      Set OutputSuffix=
      ::: e.g. if OutputSuffix=_new, then img.jpg->img_new.jpg
      ::: Leave blank to omit the suffix, e.g. img.jpg->img.gif
      Set OutputAutoRename=No
      ::: Yes=auto rename output if file already exists, e.g. img_new(1).jpg
      ::: Note: utilizes /makecopy option, which was introduced in IV 4.38
      Set OutputDir=E:\Temp only\Image Sizing Tests\Sized\2500
      ::: Leave blank to save output to the same folder.
      ::: If you specify a name, e.g. OutputDir=ConvertedPics
      ::: output will be saved to that subfolder (of each folder).
      ::: You can also specify a fixed path, e.g. OutputDir=D:\Pics
      Set OverwriteInput=No
      ::: Yes=overwrite source file(s)
      ::: (overrides OutputExt, OutputSuffix, OutputAutoRename, OutputDir)
      ::: Caution: even with OverwriteInput=No, the wrong combination of
      ::: above parameters can result in original files being replaced.
      If not %1.==. If not exist "%~f1" Echo Invalid path specified. & Goto End
      Invalid path specified.
      If not "%IrfanDir%"=="" (If not exist "%IrfanDir%\i_view32.exe" Echo Invalid
      More? IrfanView dir specified. & Goto End) Else (
      More? If exist "%ProgramFiles%\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" (Set IrfanDir=%ProgramFil
      More? \IrfanView) Else (
      More? If exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" (Set IrfanDir=
      More? %ProgramFiles(x86)%\IrfanView) Else (
      \IrfanView was unexpected at this time.
      Echo IrfanView could not be located. & Goto End)))
      IrfanView could not be located.
      If /I "%OverwriteInput%"=="Yes" (
      More?    Set OutputExt=
      More?    Set OutputSuffix=
      More?    Set OutputDir=
      More? ) Else (
      More?      If /I "%OutputAutoRename%"=="Yes" Set ActionParams=%ActionParams%
      /aspectratio was unexpected at this time.
      '/makecopy' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
      operable program or batch file.
           If not "%OutputDir%"=="" Set OutputDir=%OutputDir%\
      If %1.==. Goto FolderMode
      If exist "%~f1\*.*" Goto FolderMode
      Echo Processing %~nx1...
      Processing %~nx1...
      If "%OutputExt%"=="" (Set OutputExt=%~x1) Else (Set OutputExt=.%OutputExt%)
      "%IrfanDir%\i_view32.exe" ""%~f1" %ActionParams% /convert=%OutputDir%
      The system cannot find the path specified.
      %~n1%OutputSuffix%%OutputExt% /silent"
      '%~n1%OutputSuffix%.%OutputExt%' is not recognized as an internal or external co
      operable program or batch file.
      If Errorlevel 2 (Echo Error saving output^^!) Else (
      More? If Errorlevel 1 (Echo Error loading file^^!))
      Error saving output^!
      Echo Finished.
      Goto End
      If %1.==. (Set SrcDir=%~dp0) Else (Set SrcDir=%~f1\)
      If not "%InputExt%"=="" (
      More?    Set I=
      More?    Set L=
      More?    For %%G in (%InputExt%) Do (
      %%G was unexpected at this time.
            Set I=!I!*.%%G,
            If /I "%Recursive%"=="Yes" (
      More?          CD /D %SrcDir%
      More?          For /D /R %%J in ("*") Do (If exist "%%J\*.%%G" Set L=found)
      %%J was unexpected at this time.
            ) Else (If exist "%SrcDir%*.%%G" Set L=found)
         If not "!L!"=="found" Echo No files with specified extension^(s^) found. &
      No files with specified extension(s) found.
      Goto End
         Set InputExt=!I:~0,-1!
      ) Else (Set InputExt=*.*)
      If not "%OutputExt%"=="" Set OutputExt=.%OutputExt%
      Echo Processing...
      Echo %SrcDir%
      Set K=1
      Set J=%K%
      For /F "tokens=%K% delims=\" %%G in ("%SrcDir%") Do (Set /A K+=1)
      %%G was unexpected at this time.
      If not "%J%"=="%K%" Goto SrcDirDepth
      Set /A K-=1
      If /I "%Recursive%"=="Yes" (
      More?    Set L=%SrcDir%
      More?    For /R "%SrcDir%" %%G in (%InputExt%) Do (
      %%G was unexpected at this time.
            If not "%%~fG"=="%~f0" (
      More?          If not "%%~dpG"=="%OutputDir%" (
      More?             Set H=%%~pG
      More?             Set H=!H:~0,-1!
      More?             For %%I in ("!H!") Do (Set H=%%~nxI)
      %%I was unexpected at this time.
                  Set H=!H!\
                  If not "!H!"=="%OutputDir%" (
      More?                If not "!L!"=="%%~dpG" (
      More?                   For /F "tokens=%K%* delims=\" %%I in ("%%~dpG") Do (
      %%I was unexpected at this time.
                           Echo   %%J
                     Echo     %%~nxG
                     If "%OutputExt%"=="" Set OutputExt=%%~xG
                     "%IrfanDir%\i_view32.exe" ""%%~fG" %ActionParams% /convert=
      The system cannot find the path specified.
      %OutputDir%%%~nG%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt! /silent"
      'E:\Temp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
      operable program or batch file.
                     If Errorlevel 2 (Echo     Error saving output^^!) Else (
      More?                If Errorlevel 1 (Echo     Error loading file^^!))
          Error saving output^!
                     Set L=%%~dpG
      ) Else (
           CD /D %SrcDir%
      The system cannot find the path specified.
           For %%G in (%InputExt%) Do (
      %%G was unexpected at this time.
              If not "%%~fG"=="%~f0" (
      More?            Echo(
      More?            Echo    %%~nxG
      More?            If "%OutputExt%"=="" Set OutputExt=%%~xG
      More?            "%IrfanDir%\i_view32.exe" ""%%~fG" %ActionParams% /convert=
      More? %OutputDir%%%~nG%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt! /silent"
      More?            If Errorlevel 2 (Echo    Error saving output^^!) Else (
      More?            If Errorlevel 1 (Echo    Error loading file^^!))
      More?         )
      The system cannot find the path specified.
      'E:\Temp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
      operable program or batch file.
         Error saving output^!
      Echo Finished.
      Press any key to continue . . .


        You can't do that (4.) Can you please attach your .cmd?


          Certainly. Thanks for taking a it is

          @Echo off & SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
          ::: Irfanize.cmd
          ::: A script for processing images with IrfanView.
          ::: Can process a single file or all images in a folder.
          ::: Run from a folder that you want processed or specify a
          ::: file/folder on the command line / drag&drop onto the script.
          :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Edit this part ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
          Set IrfanDir=
          ::: Specify IrfanView location.
          ::: Leave blank if IV is installed in default location.
          Set InputExt=jpg
          ::: Specify one or more input file types separated by commas or spaces.
          ::: e.g. InputExt=jpg,png,gif
          ::: Leave blank to accept all file types.
          ::: InputExt is only used when processing folders.
          Set Recursive=No
          ::: Yes=process subfolders
          Set ActionParams=/resize_long=2000 /dpi=(300,300) /aspectratio  
          ::: Specify what to do with images; see IV help->Command Line Options.
          ::: e.g. ActionParams=/crop=(0,0,128,128,0) /vflip /invert
          ::: Leave blank if you are simply looking to convert between formats.
          Set OutputExt=
          ::: Specify output format, e.g. OutputExt=png
          ::: Leave blank to keep the source file type.
          Set OutputSuffix=
          ::: e.g. if OutputSuffix=_new, then img.jpg->img_new.jpg
          ::: Leave blank to omit the suffix, e.g. img.jpg->img.gif
          Set OutputAutoRename=No
          ::: Yes=auto rename output if file already exists, e.g. img_new(1).jpg
          ::: Note: utilizes /makecopy option, which was introduced in IV 4.38
          Set OutputDir="E:\Temp only\Image Sizing Tests\Sized\2500"
          ::: Leave blank to save output to the same folder.
          ::: If you specify a name, e.g. OutputDir=ConvertedPics
          ::: output will be saved to that subfolder (of each folder).
          ::: You can also specify a fixed path, e.g. OutputDir=D:\Pics
          Set OverwriteInput=No
          ::: Yes=overwrite source file(s)
          ::: (overrides OutputExt, OutputSuffix, OutputAutoRename, OutputDir)
          ::: Caution: even with OverwriteInput=No, the wrong combination of
          ::: above parameters can result in original files being replaced.
          If not %1.==. If not exist "%~f1" Echo Invalid path specified. & Goto End
          If not "%IrfanDir%"=="" (If not exist "%IrfanDir%\i_view32.exe" Echo Invalid IrfanView dir specified. & Goto End) Else (
          If exist "%ProgramFiles%\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" (Set IrfanDir=%ProgramFiles%\IrfanView) Else (
          If exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" (Set IrfanDir=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\IrfanView) Else (
          Echo IrfanView could not be located. & Goto End)))
          If /I "%OverwriteInput%"=="Yes" (
             Set OutputExt=
             Set OutputSuffix=
             Set OutputDir=
          ) Else (
               If /I "%OutputAutoRename%"=="Yes" Set ActionParams=%ActionParams% /makecopy
               If not "%OutputDir%"=="" Set OutputDir=%OutputDir%\
          If %1.==. Goto FolderMode
          If exist "%~f1\*.*" Goto FolderMode
          Echo Processing %~nx1...
          If "%OutputExt%"=="" (Set OutputExt=%~x1) Else (Set OutputExt=.%OutputExt%)
          "%IrfanDir%\i_view32.exe" ""%~f1" %ActionParams% /convert=%OutputDir%%~n1%OutputSuffix%%OutputExt% /silent"
          If Errorlevel 2 (Echo Error saving output^^!) Else (
          If Errorlevel 1 (Echo Error loading file^^!))
          Echo Finished.
          Goto End
          If %1.==. (Set SrcDir=%~dp0) Else (Set SrcDir=%~f1\)
          If not "%InputExt%"=="" (
             Set I=
             Set L=
             For %%G in (%InputExt%) Do (
                Set I=!I!*.%%G,
                If /I "%Recursive%"=="Yes" (
                   CD /D %SrcDir%
                   For /D /R %%J in ("*") Do (If exist "%%J\*.%%G" Set L=found)
                ) Else (If exist "%SrcDir%*.%%G" Set L=found)
             If not "!L!"=="found" Echo No files with specified extension^(s^) found. & Goto End
             Set InputExt=!I:~0,-1!
          ) Else (Set InputExt=*.*)
          If not "%OutputExt%"=="" Set OutputExt=.%OutputExt%
          Echo Processing...
          Echo %SrcDir%
          Set K=1
          Set J=%K%
          For /F "tokens=%K% delims=\" %%G in ("%SrcDir%") Do (Set /A K+=1)
          If not "%J%"=="%K%" Goto SrcDirDepth
          Set /A K-=1
          If /I "%Recursive%"=="Yes" (
             Set L=%SrcDir%
             For /R "%SrcDir%" %%G in (%InputExt%) Do (
                If not "%%~fG"=="%~f0" (
                   If not "%%~dpG"=="%OutputDir%" (
                      Set H=%%~pG
                      Set H=!H:~0,-1!
                      For %%I in ("!H!") Do (Set H=%%~nxI)
                      Set H=!H!\
                      If not "!H!"=="%OutputDir%" (
                         If not "!L!"=="%%~dpG" (
                            For /F "tokens=%K%* delims=\" %%I in ("%%~dpG") Do (
                               Echo   %%J
                         Echo     %%~nxG
                         If "%OutputExt%"=="" Set OutputExt=%%~xG
                         "%IrfanDir%\i_view32.exe" ""%%~fG" %ActionParams% /convert=%OutputDir%%%~nG%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt! /silent"
                         If Errorlevel 2 (Echo     Error saving output^^!) Else (
                         If Errorlevel 1 (Echo     Error loading file^^!))
                         Set L=%%~dpG
          ) Else (
               CD /D %SrcDir%
               For %%G in (%InputExt%) Do (
                  If not "%%~fG"=="%~f0" (
                     Echo    %%~nxG
                     If "%OutputExt%"=="" Set OutputExt=%%~xG
                     "%IrfanDir%\i_view32.exe" ""%%~fG" %ActionParams% /convert=%OutputDir%%%~nG%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt! /silent"
                     If Errorlevel 2 (Echo    Error saving output^^!) Else (
                     If Errorlevel 1 (Echo    Error loading file^^!))
          Echo Finished.


            Figured it out, the problem occurs when using parentheses inside an If/Else block; it's a limitation of the command processor, you triggered it with /dpi=(300,300). It should be fixed now. There's also one problem with your editing: do not quote paths (OutputDir).
            You've made me realize that the script will also fail if folder names contain parentheses. I'll fix that some other time, too busy now, and I don't consider it a very critical problem anyway. Us old-school pre-NTFS raised dudes know better than to use parentheses in pathnames, it's asking for trouble.
            Last edited by Gownaar; 24.07.2014, 11:20 PM.


              Hmm. I must still be doing something incorrectly. I used the revised code (from the original post), edited it as noted above, and when I open the .cmd file from the jpg source folder, the command window appears and disappears instantly producing no results. Since the command window disappears so quickly, I don't have anything to evaluate for errors. What do you recommend?

              Here's my new cmd file:
              @Echo off & SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
              ::: Irfanize.cmd
              ::: A script for processing images with IrfanView.
              ::: Can process a single file or all images in a folder.
              ::: Run from a folder that you want processed or specify a
              ::: file/folder on the command line / drag&drop onto the script.
              :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Edit this part ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
              Set IrfanDir=
              ::: Specify IrfanView location.
              ::: Leave blank if IV is installed in default location.
              Set InputExt=jpg
              ::: Specify one or more input file types separated by commas or spaces.
              ::: e.g. InputExt=jpg,png,gif
              ::: Leave blank to accept all file types.
              ::: InputExt is only used when processing folders.
              Set Recursive=No
              ::: Yes=process subfolders
              Set ActionParams=/resize_long=2000 /aspectratio
              ::: Specify what to do with images; see IV help->Command Line Options.
              ::: e.g. ActionParams=/crop=(0,0,128,128,0) /vflip /invert
              ::: Leave blank if you are simply looking to convert between formats.
              Set OutputExt=
              ::: Specify output format, e.g. OutputExt=png
              ::: Leave blank to keep the source file type.
              Set OutputSuffix=
              ::: e.g. if OutputSuffix=_new, then img.jpg->img_new.jpg
              ::: Leave blank to omit the suffix, e.g. img.jpg->img.gif
              Set OutputAutoRename=No
              ::: Yes=auto rename output if file already exists, e.g. img_new(1).jpg
              ::: Note: utilizes /makecopy option, which was introduced in IV 4.38
              Set OutputDir=E:\Temp only\Image Sizing Tests\Sized\2500
              ::: Leave blank to save output to the same folder.
              ::: If you specify a name, e.g. OutputDir=ConvertedPics
              ::: output will be saved to that subfolder (of each folder).
              ::: You can also specify a fixed path, e.g. OutputDir=D:\Pics
              Set OverwriteInput=No
              ::: Yes=overwrite source file(s)
              ::: (overrides OutputExt, OutputSuffix, OutputAutoRename, OutputDir)
              ::: Caution: even with OverwriteInput=No, the wrong combination of
              ::: above parameters can result in original files being replaced.
              If not %1.==. If not exist "%~f1" Echo Invalid path specified. & Goto End
              If not "%IrfanDir%"=="" (If not exist "%IrfanDir%\i_view32.exe" Echo Invalid IrfanView dir specified. & Goto End) Else (
              If exist "%ProgramFiles%\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" (Set IrfanDir=%ProgramFiles%\IrfanView) Else (
              If exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" (Set IrfanDir=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\IrfanView) Else (
              Echo IrfanView could not be located. & Goto End)))
              If /I "%OverwriteInput%"=="Yes" (
                 Set OutputExt=
                 Set OutputSuffix=
                 Set OutputDir=
              ) Else (
                   If /I "%OutputAutoRename%"=="Yes" Set "ActionParams=%ActionParams% /makecopy"
                   If not "%OutputDir%"=="" Set "OutputDir=%OutputDir%\"
              If %1.==. Goto FolderMode
              If exist "%~f1\*.*" Goto FolderMode
              Echo Processing %~nx1...
              If "%OutputExt%"=="" (Set OutputExt=%~x1) Else (Set OutputExt=.%OutputExt%)
              "%IrfanDir%\i_view32.exe" ""%~f1" %ActionParams% /convert=%OutputDir%%~n1%OutputSuffix%%OutputExt% /silent"
              If Errorlevel 2 (Echo Error saving output^^!) Else (
              If Errorlevel 1 (Echo Error loading file^^!))
              Echo Finished.
              Goto End
              If %1.==. (Set SrcDir=%~dp0) Else (Set SrcDir=%~f1\)
              If not "%InputExt%"=="" (
                 Set I=
                 Set L=
                 For %%G in (%InputExt%) Do (
                    Set I=!I!*.%%G,
                    If /I "%Recursive%"=="Yes" (
                       CD /D %SrcDir%
                       For /D /R %%J in ("*") Do (If exist "%%J\*.%%G" Set L=found)
                    ) Else (If exist "%SrcDir%*.%%G" Set L=found)
                 If not "!L!"=="found" Echo No files with specified extension^(s^) found. & Goto End
                 Set InputExt=!I:~0,-1!
              ) Else (Set InputExt=*.*)
              If not "%OutputExt%"=="" Set OutputExt=.%OutputExt%
              Echo Processing...
              Echo %SrcDir%
              Set K=1
              Set J=%K%
              For /F "tokens=%K% delims=\" %%G in ("%SrcDir%") Do (Set /A K+=1)
              If not "%J%"=="%K%" Goto SrcDirDepth
              Set /A K-=1
              If /I "%Recursive%"=="Yes" (
                 Set L=%SrcDir%
                 For /R "%SrcDir%" %%G in (%InputExt%) Do (
                    If not "%%~fG"=="%~f0" (
                       If not "%%~dpG"=="%OutputDir%" (
                          Set H=%%~pG
                          Set H=!H:~0,-1!
                          For %%I in ("!H!") Do (Set H=%%~nxI)
                          Set H=!H!\
                          If not "!H!"=="%OutputDir%" (
                             If not "!L!"=="%%~dpG" (
                                For /F "tokens=%K%* delims=\" %%I in ("%%~dpG") Do (
                                   Echo   %%J
                             Echo     %%~nxG
                             If "%OutputExt%"=="" Set OutputExt=%%~xG
                             "%IrfanDir%\i_view32.exe" ""%%~fG" %ActionParams% /convert=%OutputDir%%%~nG%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt! /silent"
                             If Errorlevel 2 (Echo     Error saving output^^!) Else (
                             If Errorlevel 1 (Echo     Error loading file^^!))
                             Set L=%%~dpG
              ) Else (
                   CD /D %SrcDir%
                   For %%G in (%InputExt%) Do (
                      If not "%%~fG"=="%~f0" (
                         Echo    %%~nxG
                         If "%OutputExt%"=="" Set OutputExt=%%~xG
                         "%IrfanDir%\i_view32.exe" ""%%~fG" %ActionParams% /convert=%OutputDir%%%~nG%OutputSuffix%!OutputExt! /silent"
                         If Errorlevel 2 (Echo    Error saving output^^!) Else (
                         If Errorlevel 1 (Echo    Error loading file^^!))
              Echo Finished.


                My fault again. Edited; how about now?


                  Edited again: fixed that problem with parentheses in pathnames.


                    Thank you very much. This is working correctly now.

                    I'm only now discovering there is an issue with Irfanview itself, as the colors of the images are being shifted in a major way when simply resizing the photos. I have LCMS installed and enabled, but not sure what I need to do in order to keep the same color profile the original image had. Regardless, I need to post this as a new thread. Thanks so much for the script...I hope Irfanview will for me in the end, because your script is perfect.



                      Your feedback is very much appreciated, you helped me realize and fix script issues.
                      As for this color shift, I wouldn't know about that, hopefully someone else can help you.



                        I added the option to delete source files; it can be useful for bulk-converting image folders without having to clean up afterwards. Also fixed some bugs.


                          Update 20161227

                          - added support for 64-bit IV

                          - added IniDir option to specify custom location of i_view32/i_view64.ini

                          - added protection against inadvertent overwrite of source files through wrong options combo

                          - DeleteInput now requires InputExt to be set (as a safety measure, primarily against deleting text files)

                          - script now performs no action by default

                          - added readme.txt with some notes and usage examples

                          Get it from post #1


                            I hope this thread is still alive, although it is quite old...
                            Is it possible to check befor resizing longside to eg. 1024, if size isn't smaller?
                            So if a picture has a longside, that is smaller than 1024 p, the file is scipped

                            Thank you very much.


                              There's no direct command line support for that but it's possible via advanced batch conversion:
                              File > Batch Conversion > Use advanced options > Advanced > Resize > Set long side to: + Don't enlarge smaller images
                              You can then process your images right there, or if you still want to use my script: Set ActionParams=/advancedbatch
                              This will read current batch resize settings from IV ini file. Alternatively, you can maintain a separate configuration: in Advanced dialog you have Save setttings. Save them to script location as i_view64.ini (assuming 64-bit version) and in the script use Set IniDir=%~dp0.

