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Tiled images in fullscreen

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    Requested Tiled images in fullscreen


    I would like to request a feature that would be of great use to me and mabe to others that is the ability to see the pictures tiled in fullscreen (it would make no sense in windowed mode).

    I have lots of images that are to be used as materials for some 3d programs, and the ability to be able to see them tiled would be of great help, because I could preview if the texture is tileable or not and how it would look after it is applied to some surface.

    It would be something like you would be browsing several images in full screen and then via some keypress you could toggle the tileable view on and off.

    The image would tile until it fills the screen (images would have to be smaller than screen or zoomed out) and it would be great to be able to drag it so that it was "wrapped around" (sorry I'm Portuguese and sometimes lack the correct words ;P ).

    Mabe someone could implement it as a plugin no? (hint hint) he he he

    Thanks for reading this.

    Best regards.

    I like this idea, but why only fullscreen? As a 3D artist myself I would find it useful both ways.
    ~~Phil Nolan
    3D Modeler & Animator


      I have wished for a long time that I could view tiled images in IV. I use it for creating them, but have to use another viewer to test them
      Its: Belongs to "It"
      It's: Shortened form of "It is"
      Lose: Fail to keep
      Loose: Not tight

      Plurals do not require apostrophes


        Originally posted by Philbert View Post
        I like this idea, but why only fullscreen? As a 3D artist myself I would find it useful both ways.
        Well, Since some textures are quite large, I thought it would make more sense to be able to see them tiled AT LEAST in full screen

        and I think in full screen we are able to see the effect of a tileable texture better if it is using the whole screen.

        I don't know, it just made more sense to me to be able to view them in full scree, that's all.

        Best regards


          I agree, I have wanted this function in some manner since I started using Irfanview 5-6 years ago, that's actually why I logged on... to request just that. Not sure of the best way to implement it, but it would have to be quick & easy. Maybe a toggle button or something that switches from your preferred view settings to tiled & back. I sent an email years ago asking for this, along with a small donation.


            While not as convenient as what you are requesting, you might try a workaround.
            1. Take an image and make a shortcut to it in a folder.
            2. Make as many copies of the shortcut as necessary to fill your screen according to the dimensions.
            3. Add the extension LNK to your custom types in the Extension portion of Properties.
            4. Select all the LNK files you made in Thumbnail Window.
            5. File -> Create contact sheet from selected files.
            6. Set your options.
            7. Choose 'Create first page only', or if your images perfectly fit to your screen, you could make many shortcuts, allowing several output pages (each a different tiled image).
            8. View your output image(s).


              Originally posted by Skippybox View Post
              While not as convenient as what you are requesting, you might try a workaround.
              1. Take an image and make a shortcut to it in a folder.
              2. Make as many copies of the shortcut as necessary to fill your screen according to the dimensions.
              3. Add the extension LNK to your custom types in the Extension portion of Properties.
              4. Select all the LNK files you made in Thumbnail Window.
              5. File -> Create contact sheet from selected files.
              6. Set your options.
              7. Choose 'Create first page only', or if your images perfectly fit to your screen, you could make many shortcuts, allowing several output pages (each a different tiled image).
              8. View your output image(s).
              That sounds feasible, but i'll just stick to using AMP Tile Viewer for that since it's a fair amount quicker & works just fine


                Then by all means, use that. Far more efficient. So, if you have a program for it, why do you need IrfanView to do it too?


                  Simply because I prefer using Irfanview. If I have a folder with tiles, photos, animated GIFs, etc. in it, it would be nice to browse that folder with one program instead of two. The ONLY reason I use that program is because Irfanview doesn't offer a tiled view. BTW, thanks for the previous suggestion on a workaround. Cybia also offers a tile viewer that's simple to use


                    I've tried creating a batch file that tiles images in IrfanView. It's not particularly quick, but does the job in a reasonable time (~5s). I'm sure it could be improved on, but here it is:

                    @echo off
                    set screenw=1024
                    set screenh=768
                    set c=10
                    set filename1=%~dp1Tile\%~n1r1.png
                    del /q /s "%~dp1Tile"
                    if not exist "%~dp1Tile" md "%~dp1Tile"
                    if not exist "%~dp1Tile\Width" md "%~dp1Tile\Width"
                    if not exist "%~dp1Tile\Height" md "%~dp1Tile\Height"
                    "C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" %1 /convert="%~dp1Tile\Width\$W.png"
                    "C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" %1 /convert="%~dp1Tile\Height\$H.png"
                    for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b "%~dp1Tile\Width"') do set Width1=%%a
                    for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b "%~dp1Tile\Height"') do set Height1=%%a
                    set Width=%Width1:~0,-4%
                    set Height=%Height1:~0,-4%
                    if /i %Width% GTR %screenw% goto next
                    if /i %Height% GTR %screenh% goto next
                    copy "%~dp1Tile\Width\%Width1%" "%~dp1Tile\%~n1r1.png"
                    if "%Width%"=="%screenw%" set a=1
                    if "%Height%"=="%screenh%" set /a a=a*1
                    if "%a%"=="1" goto display
                    set /a c=screenw/Width
                    set /a d=screenw*1000/Width-1000*c
                    if %d% GTR 0 set /a c=c+1
                    set /a r=screenh/Height
                    set /a d=screenh*1000/Height-1000*r
                    if %d% GTR 0 set /a r=r+1
                    set i=0
                    set /a i=i+1
                    set j=1
                    "C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" /panorama=(1,%filename1%,%filename1%) /convert="%filename1%"
                    for /L %%a in (1,1,%i%) do set /a j=j*2
                    if /i %c% GTR %j% goto looph
                    set i=0
                    set /a i=i+1
                    set j=1
                    "C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" /panorama=(2,%filename1%,%filename1%) /convert="%filename1%"
                    for /L %%a in (1,1,%i%) do set /a j=j*2
                    if /i %r% GTR %j% goto loopv
                    "C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" "%filename1%" /fs
                    del /q /s "%~dp1Tile"
                    rem set /p c=Columns/Rows? 
                    set /a w=screenw/c+1
                    set /a h=screenh/c+1
                    set r=%c%
                    "C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" %1 /resize=(%w%,%h%) /resample /convert="%~dp1Tile\$Nr1.png"
                    goto tile
                    The script converts the image to PNG for a good compromise in space and speed. I recommend changing compression in IrfanView to 1, to get the best performance. Fullscreen should be set to 100% (1:1) for accurate display, too. The script opens IrfanView, so you should enable multiple instances for proper browsing. You can edit your screen resolution in the script by changing:

                    set screenw=1024
                    set screenh=768

                    The script can either use a file dropped on it, or be called from IrfanView using SHIFT+E. If there are particular settings you want to use, then either use a special INI, or copy the program.

                    Each time you tile a file, a folder named 'Tile' is created in the containing folder.

                    The script is unique that it can handle a variety of image sizes, even ones larger than the screen. If an image is less than the screen size it will tile at its current size, if it is equal, it will display the image, and if it is larger, then it can be configured to tile as well. The image is resized to accommodate the number of rows/columns requested. The default is set as:

                    set c=10

                    at the top of the script, but near the end can prompt you with:

                    rem set /p c=Columns/Rows?

                    If you want the prompt, then delete "rem".

                    If you want images equal to the screen size tiled, then replace GTR with GEQ in:

                    if /i %Width% GTR %screenw% goto next
                    if /i %Height% GTR %screenh% goto next

                    or replace the variable with a number, to get small images to tile to a particular grid size.

                    When done viewing the image, simply Esc fullscreen and Esc the program (single Esc is possible if you've enabled it in Properties/Settings>Misc.1.

                    Don't forget the usual tricks of making a shortcut, to minimize the script window if you don't need it, and turning off echo. You can change other aspects of the script if you wish. Be careful, and use/test the script at your own risk!
                    Last edited by Skippybox; 16.03.2009, 10:16 PM.


                      You may also use the ImPDF plugin to create tiled PDF pages from your images.



                        I once long long ago asked for the same, it was shot down though.

                        Here's my alternative, you can use this free and quite nice utility as an external one:

                        For tileviewing it would beat irfanview even if irfanview had tileviewing I bet.
                        It supports a large number of formats, has handy keyboard shortcuts and can also zoom so you can have a few big tiles or many small ones, and it can save the mosaic.

