looking at a photo with GPS data, I come to the correct map position when I click on "Show in Open Streetm." or "Show in Google Maps". A click on "Show in Google Earth" does not do anything and a click on "Show in GeoHack-Wiki" brings me to a page titeled "We've moved! We're sorry, but the user-supported tool you have attempted to reach
did not leave a forwarding URL where we could automatically redirect you."...
http://toolserver.org/~geohack/geoha...age=en¶ms= (coordinates shown correctly)
looking at a photo with GPS data, I come to the correct map position when I click on "Show in Open Streetm." or "Show in Google Maps". A click on "Show in Google Earth" does not do anything and a click on "Show in GeoHack-Wiki" brings me to a page titeled "We've moved! We're sorry, but the user-supported tool you have attempted to reach
did not leave a forwarding URL where we could automatically redirect you."...
http://toolserver.org/~geohack/geoha...age=en¶ms= (coordinates shown correctly)