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v4.20 Show text strips last character from EXIF UserComment

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    Fixed v4.20 Show text strips last character from EXIF UserComment

    Hello Irfan,
    I just switched from IV 4.10 to 4.20 and found a bug in processing EXIF UserComments: If I want to show EXIF UserComments ($E37510) in my slide show by "show text", the last character of a comment is never shown.

    Is there any chance to fix that or work around other than going back to IV 4.10 ?

    In EXIF UserComments I usually put some info that are important for a viewing person - such as
    - Who is shown on the Foto
    - Where was the foto taken
    - Some more backgrund info

    Please let me know if you need any further info or files etc.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Last edited by F0to; 04.11.2008, 11:15 AM.

    $E37510 is the Exif-tag for the personal input of the owner. When I run a slideshow with this text-parameter added, I get (amongst my name) my telephone number on the screen. All the digits that is. So no problems here. Maybe you could add a spacing/interspace after the name of this parameter in your device (most likely your camera). Or a full stop or a dash. I don't think it's a bug though.


      Hi Sjef,
      thanks for having a look at my problem. I don't know why your IV 4.20 behaves correctly but mine does not. I found that the error occurs also if IV 4.20 runs on Vista SP1. A friend checked this for me on her system.

      I started some more research and found that the plugin module Exif.dll causes the error. If I replace Exif.dll 4.20 by the 4.10-Version everything works fine with IV 4.20.

      To make sure that I didn't download some garbage I downloaded the plugins again (from and compared the two plugin ZIP files. There was no difference.

      My I ask you to compare the Exif.dll I am using with your version? For this I attached both Exif.dll versions 4.10 and 4.20 and also one picture including an EXIF UserComment ($E37510) and the IV 4.20 INI file.

      Your suggestion to add some space would not really help. EXIF UserComments is the place where I put some explanation for my pictures and I did this manually one by one with more than Thousand photos. If I had to add a space character to all of these comments I had to go through the whole process again.
      Attached Files


        It works OK for me too with Irfanview 4.20 and Vista SP1. I don't know if there is a limit to the length of the string. I only have 16 characters.
        Is the User comment displayed correctly if you show all the EXIF data (using just $E)?

        Exif.dll v4.2.0.0 19/03/2008 58.0KB
        Last edited by Mij; 17.11.2008, 10:21 PM. Reason: Added exif.dll info


          The error does not depend on the of length of string. Even if the string is only two bytes long the last one will not be shown.
          Last edited by F0to; 20.11.2008, 05:40 PM.


            Hello FOto,

            Earlier I said I don't think it's a bug when the last character of an EXIF comment is never shown (like you wrote). Now I think you're right after all!

            I used Exif Pilot Pro to change the EXIF data (User Comment) and put a large text in it (100 characters). My own 4.22 exif.dll (from date 27-07-2008) could only show 99 characters. Your's (4.22 - 14-11-2008) did the same. First I thought it had something to do with the EXIF standard, because on my Nikon camera it doesn't work if I try to put more data than 32 characters in this paramater. Which will be shown by IrfanView 4.22 all right.

            When I use your 4.10 exif.dll (or my own for that matter - 56 kb) IrfanView 4.22 shows all 100 characters. So there should be a bug in the 'updated' 58 kb exif.dll file or in the way IrfanView interprets this version. When I put an extra character to the EXIF-comment IV4.22 will show all 100 characters with the standard exif.dll, so my suggestion works, although not for you of course (manual input). Conclusion: the next exif.dll should be adjusted to your complaint. In the mean time use the 4.1 version (as you do already I assume). Nice photo taken with your Canon S3IS.


              There is a bit more to it than that. Now that I have displayed the image posted by F0to, the final "r" is indeed missing from the word character at the end of the User comment. With the IV programs I am using (the initial downloads after v4.20 was released) this does not happen for any of my User comments.

              I had a look at F0to's image in the program where I added my User comment (Wildbit viewer) and the last character was missing there too. So I deleted the last word (characte), retyped it with the final "r" and then re-saved the EXIF data using that program. Now it displays correctly with the final "r" both in that program and in Irfanview.

              So is there some problem in the way that last character was saved?


                Your input was first also my way of thinking, Mij. What is the standard in EXIF-land? But why is the exif.dll of IrfanView versie 4.10 indeed able to show all the text in the User Comment parameter?
                See the attachment.
                Attached Files


                  Sjef has a point there!


                    Originally posted by Sjef View Post
                    What is the standard in EXIF-land?
                    Sorry, Sjef, I don't live there. I thought User comment was just plain text. Perhaps there is an optional terminator after the last character which some versions of exif.dll handle incorrectly. I am sure there is information somewhere out there on that big, bold Web.


                      Look at it this way Mij: I've got three different cameras and each one adds EXIF-data to their photos. But non of them adds ALL this data to a photo. My Fuji doesn't add SubjectDistanceRange or Focus data. My Canon doesn't add Lightsource or ISOSpeedRatings data. And not only the data isn't shown, also the parameter lacks in the view window of IrfanView and ExifPilotPro. My Canon and Fuji both works with ExifVersion 0220, my Nikon uses 0221.

                      So I'm happy with the options IrfanView give me to view (most of the) EXIF data and just be satisfied with the data that's given. Where software is concerned there's no standard at all. It is allways a kind of platform that is in development. So when a user adds his own data to the EXIF data himself (in the rear), it is not guaranteed it should work well all the way. Exif.dll version 4.1 does this job better than version 4.2, so I agree with FOto: the latter is buggy.

                      I would advise against adding data to the UserComments. The data in this parameter is to be added into the source (camera) and not ment to change this afterwards. For Comment there is IPTC info to use (kind of standard) or plain Comment (not allways recognized by other applications).
                      Attached Files


                        The bug has been fixed with version 4.23 (4.22 Plugins respectively).
                        Many thanks to all contributors.

