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V4.25: Create multipage PDF doesn't work!

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    Fixed V4.25: Create multipage PDF doesn't work!

    Hello. Second post here. I hope this is in the proper section.

    After using v4.23 for a long time, I have found out that creating multipage PDFs doesn't work anymore. In fact, the dialogs aren't displayed properly either. Irfanview just crashes to desktop without warning.

    I have installed v4.25 over v4.23 - I will make a clean, from scratch, installation and will post back the results.


    UPDATE: Doing a clean installation doesn't solve this issue. I think the proper plugin isn't installed (even if I have the plugins installed). I get the compression options dialog for PNG instead.
    Last edited by eL_PuSHeR; 18.06.2009, 09:05 PM.

    Same crash here. And same compression button brings up png box.

    IV 4.25. Postscript.dll 4.24

    Even tried the Postscript dll from the earlier release (also dll 4.24 released for IV 4.23). Files don't binary match, but experience same crash.


      The ImPDF.dll is there. It's just it doesn't get called at all, it seems.


        imPDF beta version 0.58 does not work either. Slightly different crash, but it also crashes.

        Reverted to i_view32.exe ver 4.23 executable only, and everything works okay.

        Is definitely a problem in the main program with 4.25.


          Look at the homepage of ImPDF!

          There you can see:
          • ComSquare ImPDF Library v0.58 is an experimental version!
          • ComSquare ImPDF Library v0.40 is the current stable version!


            I reported this directly to Irfan via the email link in the help about. He acknowledged the problem, and is working on a fix. He may publish it soon.

            Frank - what was I supposed to see on the imPDF home page? Yes, it says 0.40 is stable, but 0.41 is what's in the IV distribution - look at installed plugins. It's been out since Dec 2008 as a fix for IV issues in 4.23.


              Originally posted by jsc37227 View Post
              Frank - what was I supposed to see on the imPDF home page? Yes, it says 0.40 is stable, but 0.41 is what's in the IV distribution - look at installed plugins. It's been out since Dec 2008 as a fix for IV issues in 4.23.
              Maybe I'm missing something, but my IV distribution for 4.25 contains 0.40. I have not seen 0.41.


                ImPDF V.041 plugin was only a solution for IrfanView V4.22!
                In the current version 4.25 (but also in V4.23) you have the ImPDF V.040 by default in the installation package!

                PS: Sorry - but I must also confirm this bug using IrfanView V4.25 and ImPDF V.040!

                At the moment you must downgrade to IrfanView V4.23 + ImPDF V.040!


                  Yes, 4.25 crashes with 0.40, 0.41, and b0.48. I was under the impression that 0.41 was okay to use with anything newer than IV 4.22, but maybe I'm wrong. It does seem to be pulled from the site.

                  And yes, they all work okay with 4.23. (At least it doesn't crash.)

                  But like I said, Irfan emailed me a test exe. It doesn't crash with any of the imPDF.dll's, but the compression button still brings up the wrong dialog (the PNG dialog).

                  I emailed Irfan to ask if it was okay to share this, but think I missed him (6-7 hour time difference). And I don't think he's read my email about the compression button - he might know, but it seems he still has some work to do.

                  Hopefully he won't be upset with my statements here, but I do not think I should just freely distribute his work in progress.

                  But good news, he's working on it!



                    Fix from Irfan. Compression button also works.


                      Wow. That was fast. Thanks.


                        Thank Irfan. He was right on it!


                          Originally posted by jsc37227 View Post
                          Fix from Irfan. Compression button also works.

                          Thanks for the fix. Although to those that still have problems, make sure you copy the IMPDF plugin to the Irfanview plugins folder, located in the program directory.


                            new version 4.26 soon ??

                            SO - - what does that mean?
                            4 days are gone by and nobody responded.
                            Probably the fix worked.
                            Does that mean, we gonna have a version 4.26 soon???
                            In that case, May be Irfan can include the Gedcom viewer
                            in the new version 4.26.
                            If notepad can read it,
                            and wordpad can read it,
                            and MS word can read it,
                            why not IV ??

                            Vielen Dank Irfan fuer all die Muehe!
                            Last edited by lbdude; 02.07.2009, 03:26 AM.


                              Thanks! The fix works except for ImPDF 0.58 preview feature.

