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Exif.dll GPS Button Failure

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    Reported Exif.dll GPS Button Failure

    Bug report
    Operating System    Windows 98 SE
    IrfanView Version   4.25
    Processor           Pentium III
    Web Browser         Firefox
    Plugin              Exif.dll ver. 4.25
    Behavior observed using NetworkActiv Web Server 3.5 and using the
    HOSTS file to redirect to
    IrfanView Version 4.25
    IrfanView Miscellaneous Plugin (336021 bytes) contains
    EXIF PlugIn for IrfanView
      Version 4.25
      65025 bytes
    Problem Description
    A test image file (digital photograph) was made for me by a friend to
    test IrfanView with GPS coordinates using a digital cell phone.
    IrfanView fails to send the correct GPS coordinates in a map request.

    • Open a file which contains GPS coordinates in the image's EXIF field
    • Press the letter I for information
    • Press the letter E or click the button marked EXIF info*
    • Observe the GPS Coordinate Data and copy to clipboard:
     GPS information: - 
     GPSVersionID     -
     GPSLatitudeRef   - S
     GPSLatitude      - 27  38  30
     GPSLongitudeRef  - E
     GPSLongitude     - 153  3  8
     GPSAltitudeRef   - Sea level
     GPSAltitude      - 65.00 m
    This is all correct within a few meters of the source of the picture

    • Press the button marked "Show in GeoHack-Wiki"
    IrfanView opens the default browser and sends a request:

    This request should be to 27_38_30_S_153_3_8_E, not 27_38_0_S_153_3_0_E
    The 'seconds' field in both the latitude and longitude are set to 0.
    The resultant coordinates map to a point 1000 meters from the image source.
    The degree of mapping error will depend on the number of seconds the source
    image varies from 0, and to a lesser degree, on how far north or south one
    is from the equator.

    The bug was tested by myself and my friend using identical software with identical results.

    Current workaround:
    • Press the button marked Show in GeoHack-Wiki
    • Hack the address line with the seconds found in the EXIF dialogue window
    • Continue with the GeoHack-Wiki site with this updated input string

    A related issue:

    • Press the button marked "Show in Google Earth"
    IrfanView seems to do nothing. If no browser is running, none opens.
    If a browser is already open, no new page/tab accesses Google Earth.

    I will check from time to time to see if the bug is addressed, and if a
    new Exif.dll file appears, I will download it.

    Thank you for your help and for a wonderful viewer!

    --- SkyyTek

    Added cropped, resized 17k image file with EXIF GPS data
    This is just some chairs on a porch in dark conditions, not interesting
    except for GPS testing purpose.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by SkyyTek; 27.03.2010, 04:01 PM. Reason: Moved "workaround" for clarity
    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost

    This has been reported previously.
    It does now appear to be confirmed as a bug, so should be moved to that section.


      I apologize for repeating a bug report. I searched on as many relevant terms as I could think of before submitting it, but found nothing.

      I have no idea if Irfan works on the Exif.dll or if this is done by another person. Thank you for your timely attention, Mij.

      --- SkyyTek

      All that is gold does not glitter,
      Not all those who wander are lost
      All that is gold does not glitter,
      Not all those who wander are lost


        #4 is no longer running.

        I just talked with them at mediawiki-toolserver on their IRC channel and they said that the main server is handling the chores as it was stable enough, so was dropped.

        Whoever wrote the EXIF.dll file for Irfanview should update it to reflect their current server. Oh, and of course, I'd love it if they addressed my original concern - that it not reset the GPS seconds field to 0 when sending a map request.

        For now I'm manually entering GPS coordinates by going to I open a file with IrfanView, press E for the EXIF data, then click the button to copy it to my clipboard. From there I paste it to a text editor and pare it down to just the GPS data. I then type in the coordinates I get from my images into the geohack form. This leads to the same information page as I got before with

        I recently purchased a Panasonic Loomix DMC-ZS7 (known as the TZ10 outside of the US) so that I could get the GPS option, which I greatly enjoy. My three criteria were: GPS, 5X optical or greater zoom (this has a Leica lens with 12X optical zoom) and that it be compact enough to fit in my shirt pocket. There are a few other cameras which fit the criteria, but I liked this one for my own use.
        All that is gold does not glitter,
        Not all those who wander are lost

