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Panorama-creation crashes IrfanView when images are added one at a time

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    Reported Panorama-creation crashes IrfanView when images are added one at a time

    I have noticed this bug for several years, and I see it's mentioned in an old thread also, with no resolution.

    When creating a panorama image, and the images to be merged are selected using the "Add images" button one at a time (vs. CTRL-clicking to select several at once), the entire program will often just disappear and must be reloaded from scratch. It seems to happen quite often when the above method is used. It may also happen using other add-file methods; I can't recall.

    I last noticed it with IrfanView v4.27 when trying to stitch some 300x200 pixel BMP files. I had successfully selected the first image, then, just after I clicked the "Add images" button to confirm the second image, IrfanView shut down with no warning. It only took three attempts to make the bug manifest itself.
    Last edited by Jack_956; 02.08.2010, 12:46 AM. Reason: bug test update