Infranview is misreading the date and time of photos.
SOMETIMES the date is correct, sometimes it is off by as much as 3 days (usually ahead of actual date).
The time is completely misread.
I have Vista with all patches, Irfanview 4.3.
This was also the case in previous version of Infranview.
This was NOT the case some time ago with earlier versions.
I first noticed this problem early in July 2011.
This affects BATCH RENAMES that use the date and/or time, necessitating many corrections.
SOMETIMES the date is correct, sometimes it is off by as much as 3 days (usually ahead of actual date).
The time is completely misread.
I have Vista with all patches, Irfanview 4.3.
This was also the case in previous version of Infranview.
This was NOT the case some time ago with earlier versions.
I first noticed this problem early in July 2011.
This affects BATCH RENAMES that use the date and/or time, necessitating many corrections.