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Using Libraries for a Slideshow

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    Reported Using Libraries for a Slideshow

    I'm using Win 7 on an HP Pavilion Version 4.33 of Irfanview (latest).

    I am trying to create a slideshow. In the "Lookin" dropdown in upper right, I select a Window's library that I've created for this purpose - it spans 2 folders of jpg files. I then select all the files shown across the 2 folders (or even do it for just 1 folder) and click the "Add All". I get very mixed results:
    - sometimes nothing is added but I can drag the files shown to the "Slideshow files" window
    - sometimes the same files are added even though I selected the other folder (that is, select first folder in library and click "Add All" - ok so far; then select other folder in library and click "Add All" - get same files as from first folder in library even tho the "File Names" box shows the files of the second folder)

    The ability to add files from a Library does not seem to be working correctly (what one would expect from a Library).

    Fred Burg

    AFAIK Irfanview has never supported virtual folders such as Libraries in the "Look in:" pane of the Slideshow dialog but it does support drag and drop in and out of some of the panes. Use Windows Explorer to create the virtual folders of the library how you want them and drag and drop them from there into the "Slideshow files:" pane.

    Open the Slideshow dialog in the usual manner and clear any entries from the "Slideshow files" pane by clicking the Remove All button. Open Windows Explorer and arrange the thumbnails of the files in your library there instead of in the Slideshow "Look in:" pane. Select the images you want to include as single or multiple selections in the usual way using Ctrl and/or Shift keys, or Ctrl+A to select all. Then drag and drop the selection into the "Slideshow files" pane. Once you have the list in the "Slideshow files" pane you can use any of the normal Sort and Move up/down features to change the order in which they are shown.

