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Support UTF-16LE Encoded Text on Command Line

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    Support UTF-16LE Encoded Text on Command Line

    Hi, I have a similar request in that I would like Irfanview to support UTF-16LE encoded text when the text file is used as input on the command line as in a case similar to this:
    D:\Graphics\IrfanView\i_view32.exe /filelist=D:\Tools\XYplorer\Paper\Wallpaper\Maine.t xt /random /wall=3 /killmesoftly
    My file manager, XYplorer has a great feature similar to virtual folders called PaperFolders that are encoded in UTF-16LE. I've enable the Unicode plugin but it works only for the file names. Would it be possible to include support for text files used as input on the command line to support UTF-16LE encoded text files. Thanks for your condsideration.


    You can use a text editor with command line support as an intermediate solution. E.g. with Akelpad:
    D:\Tools\Akelpad\Akelpad.exe /OpenFile("D:\Tools\XYplorer\Paper\Wallpaper\Maine.txt", -1, -1) /SaveFile("%Temp%\Maine.txt", 1252, 0) /quit
    D:\Graphics\IrfanView\i_view32.exe /filelist="%Temp%\Maine.txt" /random /wall=3 /killmesoftly


      Thanks for the recommendation Gownaar. I found out since that I could also do it via a batch file which could be called via a taskbar button.
      @echo off
      set ARG=%1
      REM You will also need the following line in other countries (e.g., Germany )
      REM @chcp 1258 >NUL
      REM arg would be the file argument for the batch file (the current text file) so you could assign different wallpaper text files with the same batch file.
      @chcp 1252 >NUL
      @type D:\Tools\XYplorer\Paper\Wallpaper\%ARG%.txt>D:\Tem p\wallpaper.txt
      D:\Graphics\IrfanView\i_view32.exe /filelist=D:\Temp\wallpaper.txt /random /wall=3 /killmesoftly
      DEL /Q D:\Temp\wallpaper.txt
      It would still be better to have built-in Irfanview support for UTF-16LE.

