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Slideshow loses context when interrupted

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    Requested Slideshow loses context when interrupted

    When I'm viewing a slideshow in full screen mode, sometimes I need to interrupt the show temporarily. Maybe I need to make a note to delete the current image from the show, or to alter it in Photoshop, or I want to keep looking at that image beyond the time when the slideshow would normally step to the next image, or I need to answer the soft phone, or whatever.

    As soon as I hit the escape key, the slideshow loses its context and removes the image that was on the screen. I can't restart the show at the same place; I have to start the show over again from the beginning. If images are being shown in random order, there's no way to get back to the same image.

    It would be great if IrfanView could remember its position in the slideshow during an interruption, so I could resume the show at the same place later. And when I hit escape and the full-screen display is replaced by an IrfanView window, it would really help if the last image from the full-screen display was also displayed in the window. (A single image viewed via File/Open already does this. The image is retained when I transition between full-screen mode and viewing in a window.)

    A related issue: when I enter the File/Open dialog, IrfanView starts at a directory where it thinks I might want to look for an image file. But the slideshow dialog starts with a different directory. It would really help if both File/Open and slideshow started with the same directory.

    In a sense, File/Open and slideshow are two sides of the same coin. The more closely they resemble each other, the better.

    Slideshow dialog will open in last-used Open folder if Misc.2 "Open slideshow dialog in last-used slideshow folder" is unchecked. *Sigh* the complications of configuration. But definitely, a "Resume" function for slideshows would be very desirable.
    Its: Belongs to "It"
    It's: Shortened form of "It is"
    Lose: Fail to keep
    Loose: Not tight

    Plurals do not require apostrophes


      Originally posted by matera View Post
      Slideshow dialog will open in last-used Open folder if Misc.2 "Open slideshow dialog in last-used slideshow folder" is unchecked.
      Great tip. Thank you!


        FWIW, I like that slide show and file open track different folders. I file open to view and act on new images and deal them into slide shows. I then use slide show to view the finished product. So different default directories is good! (for me at least)

        It's very nice that IV allows both modes.


          I agree wholeheartedly!

          I came to this forum specifically looking for info on this feature. I use an IrfanView slideshow as a "pseudo-screensaver" that I activate myself (because I don't normally bother with a screensaver at all). I have a vast quantity of pictures that I would like to view this way, but right now, IrfanView's slideshow always starts at the beginning. (Unless you set it to random, but I want to view the pictures sequentially.)

          Having IV keep track of where it was in the slideshow would be a wonderful feature... and, at least to this novice programmer, doesn't seem like it'd be THAT hard to implement...


            Of course this 'resume' function would be very nice.
            Starting the slideshow at another number in the list is another cake. Lots of consequenses here.
            (So be cautious by saying that programming would be simple)
            If this would be a variable in the process, how about compiling it to a SCR or an EXE file ?
            Rest In Peace, Sam!


              Well, I did say it seemed like it wouldn't be that hard to do.

              To use another program as an example, VuePrint Pro simply stores the last picture displayed in its .ini file for its screensaver function. (I was using this, but for some reason my Win XP and my VPP don't like each other) If you wanted to start the slideshow at a different point (using this method of "remembering your place"), you could simply edit the .ini file to point to the spot you wanted the slideshow to begin.

              I'm quite aware that this is not an "oh, you'll be done in 5 minutes" kind of thing. I'm just saying that, compared to some of the other things already done in this really great program, this should be a walk in the park.


                Well, talking about ini-files is a level I like.
                Every time IV plays a new slideshow, a file is made in the root of IV : 'Slideshow.lst'
                This is an ascii-file just as an ini, so easy to edit.
                Rest In Peace, Sam!


                  Originally posted by Test99 View Post
                  When I'm viewing a slideshow in full screen mode, sometimes I need to interrupt the show temporarily. Maybe I need to make a note to delete the current image from the show, or to alter it in Photoshop, or I want to keep looking at that image beyond the time when the slideshow would normally step to the next image, or I need to answer the soft phone, or whatever.
                  You can pause a Slide show by pressing the Pause key. Pressing almost any key will restart it again when you are ready. While a show is paused you can Alt+Tab to another application that is running but there are some limitations since a full screen slide show will always stay on top of the windows taskbar and the IrfanView image window.


                    Originally posted by Sam_Zen View Post
                    Of course this 'resume' function would be very nice.
                    Starting the slideshow at another number in the list is another cake. Lots of consequenses here.
                    (So be cautious by saying that programming would be simple)
                    If this would be a variable in the process, how about compiling it to a SCR or an EXE file ?
                    Actually you can already start the slide show from any index position by changing the StartIndex value in the [Slideshow] section of the INI file.
                    (Added later). I notice that you don't need to do that. Just double click on the file name in the Slideshow list where you want to restart.
                    Last edited by Mij; 24.06.2008, 12:01 PM.


                      Nice info, Mij, thanks.
                      Rest In Peace, Sam!

