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Move and Copy dialogs option

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    Requested Move and Copy dialogs option

    I was talking to a friend tonight, for some reason he'd prefer a simple file tree to the Move and Copy dialogs. I personally can't imagine.

    I guess this could be option in the Properties -- File handling tab. Perhaps three choices in the Move and Copy sections
    1. Show Move/Copy dialog
    2. Show file tree
    3. Use Default Directory

    Could this be considered?

    I have often wished that the copy/move dialogs could be simplified to a browse button (summoning that ol' tree) and a dropdown with a list of previous choices.
    Its: Belongs to "It"
    It's: Shortened form of "It is"
    Lose: Fail to keep
    Loose: Not tight

    Plurals do not require apostrophes


      You do realize that there is a browse button next to each of the 10 move/copy directories. You could certainly change one (or all) of them every time you move/copy.

      And of course, File -> Save As does give you a copy function with file browsing. To simulate move, you'd have to follow that with delete -- one more key/mouse click.

      OTOH, adding a "Move" function to the file menu to go with the current "Save As" shouldn't be very hard. I'm all for flexible interfaces to allow different users to work different ways (or to help the same user handle different tasks).


        Yeah, there is a browse button next to the ten choices, however you still have to select 1 through 10 after selecting it. I guess my friend probably has way more than 10 folders he may wish to use and the current process is a bit cumbersome for him.

        There's already a Move File option on the File menu (That's really what we're discussing). I'm afraid adding something similar there might be confusing. I gave some thought to it and really think that the option I suggested above would be the way to go if this is considered at all. matera's suggested additions would be a nice touch too.
        Last edited by Steven W; 16.12.2007, 06:03 PM.

