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Faster scrolling

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    Requested Faster scrolling

    Scrolling big pictures horizontally or vertically is very slow with my low resolution laptop display, combined with an integrated touchpad and with the cursor keys.

    Could at least a 4x speed scroll be implemented for SHIFT+cursor keys?

    Hello Bohdan. You could scroll using the right mouse button, providing you shut off the option ‘Use mouse button for context menu’ in Properties/Settings/Misc. 1


      Uncheck "Jump always to next image if Arrow or Page keys (or mouse wheel) pressed" in Options> Properties> Misc.1
      Fast scroll using Home, End, Page Up and Page Down keys.
      Note: Use Space and Backspace keys to jump images on or back when Arrow and Page keys are used for scrolling, and don't forget the + and - keys on the number pad for fast zooming.
      Last edited by Mij; 24.05.2008, 01:45 PM.


        Originally posted by Mij View Post
        Uncheck "Jump always to next image if Arrow or Page keys (or mouse wheel) pressed" in Options> Properties> Misc.1
        Fast scroll using Home, End, Page Up and Page Down keys.
        Note: Use Space and Backspace keys to jump images on or back when Arrow and Page keys are used for scrolling, and don't forget the + and - keys on the number pad for fast zooming.
        That's a little beside the point I'm making.

        First of all, I'm primarily using a laptop with a somewhat limiting 1280x800 resolution.
        - No numpad unless you count the Fn key combinations. And you don't!
        - My laptop has a touchpad, no pointing stick. Scrolling is really unpleasant with it.

        Now, the Home,End,PgUp,PgDn keys work as you state, but they really don't help with left-right scrolling due to Home/End scrolling to the beginning and end of image border. If they could be configured to scroll half a screen at time sideways (like PgUp and PgDn work), that would solve my problem as well though it wouldn't be as elegant as the keys are located on a corner of my laptop keyboard.

        When I view images that are LARGE, say, 10+ megapixels in size there is no easy way of scrolling this with my crummy display-touchpad-keyboard combination. And I believe I'm not the only one who uses a laptop with similar characteristics. Most of the time an external mouse isn't an option for me as this laptop doesn't usually sit on a desktop. (and I find it annoying to swap for mouse if keyboard shortcuts would do the trick faster)

        Acdsee v2.4 had this sort of keyboard scrolling I'm vying for:
        - Arrow keys work just like in Irfanview
        - CTRL-Arrows scrolled dramatically faster (I think it accelerated after 1/10th of a second or something - very usable secondary feature req, btw)
        - SHIFT-Arrows scrolled the slowly, pixel by pixel


          Faster scrolling

          Hi Bohdan,
          First of all, you're absolutely right about the scrolling facilities of ACDSee 2.4. I use them myself from time to time. Like a lot of viewers, scolling with the cursor keys in IrfanView shows a jerky progress. In ACDsee scrolling over a picture is a smooth delight.

          In my previous answer I assumed you've got a laptop with a left- and right mouse button next to the touchpad. So viewing large images in IrfanView -pushing the right mouse button- you can (touch)scroll even faster and/or preciser than in ACDsee.


            Originally posted by bohdan View Post
            Now, the Home,End,PgUp,PgDn keys work as you state, but they really don't help with left-right scrolling due to Home/End scrolling to the beginning and end of image border. If they could be configured to scroll half a screen at time sideways (like PgUp and PgDn work), that would solve my problem as well though it wouldn't be as elegant as the keys are located on a corner of my laptop keyboard.
            Well, my Home and End keys do move half a screen at a time on both Desktop and Laptop. Not much help though, if yours don't.
            I was also going to point out that the scrolling is much coarser in Full screen display, but again you are hampered if you have no zoom controls available.
            So let your request stand. Actually there are a number of useful things that could also be done if Irfan would use the Shift and Control keys in conjunction with the mouse, but that's another topic.

