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Adjustable Position When Slideshow Is In 'Window Mode'

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    Requested Adjustable Position When Slideshow Is In 'Window Mode'

    Something that i've been toying around with and is almost driving me crazy. Seems the slideshow does a perfect job of going through folders & doing what I want it to do... but sometimes instead of always having it in full screen I sometimes just want it nested in the corner of my screen while I do other stuff... thus the problem

    When running a slideshow in Window Mode it'll be ran smack dab in the middle of the screen instead. Of course it can't be dragged or anything as clicking on it will only change images. I came across this workaround which is ok but doesn't nearly work well for me as the slideshow since SHIFT + A automatic browsing option won't do randomized browsing & that's one of my main preferences when running slide shows.

    Thus if this is implemented in upcoming 4.20 I'll be a very very happy camper (or even happier if it's something that I can set in the ini file or implement via plugin)

    Look here:


      Hey Sjef!

      Thanks for that suggestion in other thread which actually works for getting this to work as far as randomized slideshows goes, but that still brings me to my one big quirk which is being able to move the position of the Window slideshow since no matter what, it'll be smack dab in the middle of the window.

      Thus if I want to move it to the upper or bottom corner of the screen I'm pretty much out of luck (since having it in the middle of the screen will be in the way of reading email, typing out stuff, etc).


        Could you tell me why you'd want to view a slideshow in a small window somewhere on your screen, because I think I still don't understand your aim or goal. I tried to make windowed slideshow using other viewers, but no viewer gives what you ask for. I suppose you must acquiesce in the fact that the principle of a slideshow is fullscreen... Maybe Irfan Skiljan is willing to change that definition.


          Functionality for a 'windowed' slideshow is already there seeing how I can adjust the size & everything from 800 x 600 to 320 x 320 & etc instead of the option of going full blown fullscreen. Just that, no option to 'move' that windowed slide show as it stays anchored in the middle of the screen.

          One example of a miniature slideshow I can think of includes the little viewer thingy that Vista has ongoing in the desktop sidebar. Enabling the Ifanviewer to 'stay on top' I could also enjoy the same luxury with automatic browsing... just as it stays out the way of other windows. And while I kind of see what you saying in that 'automatic browsing' (which many other image viewers do have) is different from slideshows (even the window slideshow), the main difference between the two that I noticed is just being able to move the thing lol.

          Of course while I can enjoy the convenience of having automatic viewing it misses several big options that the slideshow/Window Mode slideshow have (randomized at X seconds, transitions, etc.).

          And as far as why... why not? Just as a video player's size can be miniaturized & docked in a specified location on a screen as one reads email, types up documents & other stuff... why not have the already nifty slideshow functionality do the same thing (that is just being able to 'move' it once it's in Window mode) Irfan has done such an outstanding job with the slideshow functionality that I figured maaaybe he can squeeze in the extra option of actually moving the 'Window Mode' slideshow somehow someway
          Last edited by jusBrowsin; 24.06.2008, 03:13 PM.


            All right, you made your point clear. You want the same appearance-possibilities for the Shift»A option as you have with the slide show options. To be honest, I don't see eighter the befits of Vista's sidebar for that matter. But this is my personal view.
            So... for the time being you have to make shift with the present possibilities of hiding all menu bars (Alt»Shift»M, etc) and the shortkey Shift»A. Then you can move the IV-window on the screen and have a (kind of) slideshow, without alpha blending and without randomizing.


              I doubt that I would use it but I will lend some support to Jusbrowsing on this. I do have that slide show gadget on my Vista sidebar. Sceptical at first, now I think it's great. On a widescreen display in particular there is usually wasted screen to the right of the window I am using. Running "gadgets" there is one of the more inspired things in Vista.
              Far from not being able to see why anyone would want a mini-slideshow in the corner of the screen, I cannot imagine why anyone would want one slap bang in the middle which is where Irfanview puts it.


                Thanks guys!!
                Definitely not looking for a "HURRY UP AND FIX IT NOOOOW!! ASAP!!! " fix since I understand how much work coding can take (and imagine that the arthor(s) is working on more demanding coding roles in dayjob), just wanted to ensure that some of you good folks can understand where I'm coming from on this so that someone like Irfan could maybe take a peek for what else to implement in a next version of Irfanview. Because while it may not be something that many people pay attention to for it to be widely used, like Mij said, I doubt that there's any usefulness in having a windowed slideshow fixated in the middle of screen with no options of moving it.
                Last edited by jusBrowsin; 25.06.2008, 03:19 AM.


                  So does anyone have a solution to this?

                  Or maybe it is a possible idea for the next big update version??

                  i hope after you export the exe for slideshow, u can have the option to drag to resize to the size u want the slide show to be~

                  or is it possible now? anyone got an idea?


                    I support this request.
                    Because first of all I have my doubts about the idea of a slideshow being fullscreen as default..
                    If I want to compile a series of bitmaps as slideshow, I would prefer to have control of the size of the outcome as well.
                    So as soon as the common size is less than screensize,
                    it would be nice to pinpoint the series at a certain X-Y position as well.
                    Rest In Peace, Sam!


                      Tagging this request on to an old thread is not a good idea. It is very confusing.

                      The original requested feature, to be able to run a slideshow in a custom window at any position on the screen, is now included in IrfanView as standard.

                      As I understand it, this time we are talking about a stand-alone slideshow that has been saved as an EXE file. These do display in the window size and position that was chosen when the EXE file was created.

                      Now you also want to be able to move that around and resize it whenever you show it. Is that right?

