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Write directory info to contact sheet footer or header?

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    Requested Write directory info to contact sheet footer or header?


    This seems to me like it should be a pretty minor thing, but I can't seem to get it to work.

    Basically, when creating a contact sheet, I was hoping to insert the last subfolder of the current directory in the footnote or headnote portion of the contact sheets. When I try to use the $d tag, however, it just prints "$d" in the header or footer.

    Am I doing it wrong? It works when I put it under each filename, but I don't want it there, since all of the images are in the same directory and it just clutters up my contact sheets with repeated, unnecessary info.

    Also, as a side note, it would be very, very nice if the "Save" directory for the contact sheets defaulted to the current image directory rather than the last used directory. I have overwritten quite a few 'Sheet001' files by accident and had to re-create them! Even if you just had a quick 'use current directory' button in the Output dialogue box, that would be a big help!

    (Please bump this thread to feature requests, if you feel that's where it belongs. I wasn't sure which one to put it in!)


    Hi captain_carrot,

    You are right, the "$" codes doesn't work in the header and footer fields. I understand it can be misleading and I agree it would be an improvement if the use of these "$" codes (including EXIF) was available for all relevant fields, not only in the "Create Contact Sheet" dialog but also for other ones where text or filenames have to be chosen.

    Concerning the destination directory, things are a bit more complicated, as it is a matter of preferences. But I notice that the contact sheets that already exist are overwritten despite the fact that the option "Ask to overwrite file for 'Save' and 'Save As'" is checked in Properties/Settings | Misc. 1.

    I move this thread to the Feature request forum.

    Before you post ... fill in your OS and IV version in your profile.


      Yes, I had noticed that too... That is why I thought it would be nice to have a checkbox or button or something allowing the user to 'use current directory', even if it's not the default option. Ah well, we'll see!

      I'm not sure how far up on the feature request priority list these minor details will be, but thanks for putting it in the right area! It's nice to know that I wasn't misunderstanding the usage of the '$' tags, I will await the new release with bated breath, in hopes that these requests may make the cut.

      Regardless, Irfanview is and remains one of the absolute bestest graphical applications out there, bar none! (it's in the 'priceless' category in my software collection, and I introduce it to my friends and relatives whenever possible!). Many many kudos to Mr. Skiljan and all of the dedicated support and development crew!

      Thanks for your quick reply, Laurent!


        Hi captain_carrot,

        Originally posted by captain_carrot View Post
        I will await the new release with bated breath, in hopes that these requests may make the cut.
        The latest release (4.20) was released... yesterday See the News section (or IrfanView website).

        Before you post ... fill in your OS and IV version in your profile.


 usual, my timing is impeccable...

          Thanks for the info, please bump forward these feature requests for the next revision! In the meantime I will content myself with playing with this shiny new toy...always a good thing!


