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Paintshop Tubes won't be browsed

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    IrfanView associations

    Well, start an older version of IrfanView (download the attached zip file) open Properties, check an option, hit OK and see what happens in your Windows directory. No install needed. The benefit of this way of handling parameters is, that they are loaded into memory when starting Windows.

    In earlier days lots of programs put their INI file in the Windows directory (Total/WinCMD) did it too, remember?) I have INI files from VanDale, Xenofex, Corel-Xara and Cool Edit in my Windows directory. Even a 32 bits program like Nero 6 puts his NeroDigital.ini in the Windows directory.

    I'd like to agree with you: don't use the Registry, use INI files in the program directories. But than you have to abolish Plug and Play too (I wouldn't mind ). And not unimportantly, the associations must be put in the Registry (by the program or the logged in user, see Documents and Settings), otherwise dubbleclicking a file would lead to nothing.
    Attached Files


      Thanks for placing this old version anyway. It lacked in my collection of IV versions in my archive so far.

      I agree about the reg and the win-dirs. The use of them is sometimes inevitable, or even better, regarding the circumstances.
      So it's more a matter of avoiding it, if possible. TC somewhere started to give the choice in the setup procedure for the location of the INI file.
      A nice improvement I think.
      I once did a test with the Cool INI file replacing it to it's root dir. It worked ok, but after the next session it was back to the windir again.
      Rest In Peace, Sam!


        I have never before heard that all ini files in %windir% get loaded into memory at bootup.

        Settings kept in Windows directory introduces a problem when you want to take them over to another computer. You have to remember what the ini file is called. It's even more problematic to find specific registry values.

        Cool Edit Pro 2.1 keeps it settings in registry already.


          In earlier versions Windows couldn't start without loading System.ini and Win.ini. Sorry when I spook of ‘all ini files’. And I trust you when you say Cool Edit now use the Registry. But aren't we getting off topic?


            It could lead to, but the TUB format association appears to be related to the reg and ini-files.
            And maybe this issue is valid for other 'rare 'formats as well.
            Rest In Peace, Sam!


              Old versions of IrfanView

              Sam wrote: It lacked in my collection of IV versions in my archive so far.
              To complete your IV archive, click here...


                Thanks. I didn't think of that place to search for 'missing links'
                Rest In Peace, Sam!

