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option to keep info/EXIF/IPTC dialog open while browsing images

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    Requested option to keep info/EXIF/IPTC dialog open while browsing images

    [edit: this RFE is already implemented!]

    Because it's quite cumbersome to close the dialog, go to next picture, re-open the dialog, close it, go to next picture, re-open ... you get the idea ....

    (For example if I want to browse images and check exposure time for each image in the EXIF data.)

    Easy to code and brings lots of fun.

    Thanks, Irfan!
    Last edited by boarder's paradise; 25.11.2008, 10:25 PM.

    Somewhat unnecessary with the very powerful text/patterns display. Go to Properties/Settings>Full screen>Full screen only:>Show text and type in a code pattern.

    Then in full screen as you browse images, the info will be right on your screen as an overlay. You can press N to toggle the text display on/off. The toggle will work whether or not you want text on or off in Properties, so you can have it hidden or shown by default and still toggle. You can change how the text behaves as well. So, you might type: $E|$I for all EXIF data and IPTC data, or in your case: $E33434 for Exposure Time.

    Another option is status bar text, where you can use those same patterns, albeit you are limited by space. Properties>Misc. 3>Miscellaneous>Statusbar text (field on the right).

    Don't forget you can always press E to Show the EXIF dialog for JPGs with available EXIF data, CTRL+I to show the IPTC dialog for JPGs, and I to show image information.

    Be sure to study up the IrfanView manual to see all the possibilities IrfanView already has.


      Thanks for the info. I am aware of those possibilities. Status bar and overlay isn't really a solution if you want to compare lots of EXIF parameters. And as for the hotkeys, it's still cumbersome, because you need to close the dialog, go to next picture, re-open the dialog, close it, go to next picture, re-open ... (as mentioned earlier).
      The info-window and Exif-Window has a close-button anyway. But currently going to previous/next image is blocked while the window is open. Who would it hurt, if it simply wasn't blocked? You could close the window with the close-button anyway. So I guess:

      no disadvantage + 1 advantage + (almost) no codework = 1 good reason for implementing

      right ?


        Originally posted by boarder's paradise View Post
        Status bar and overlay isn't really a solution if you want to compare lots of EXIF parameters.
        $E isn't that much codework. If you are doing that much analyzing then maybe you should use Excel.

        And as for the hotkeys, it's still cumbersome, because you need to close the dialog, go to next picture, re-open the dialog, close it, go to next picture, re-open ... (as mentioned earlier).

        The info-window and Exif-Window has a close-button anyway. But currently going to previous/next image is blocked while the window is open. Who would it hurt, if it simply wasn't blocked? You could close the window with the close-button anyway.
        The dialogs close with either Esc or Space Bar, but yes I guess it could be difficult. Try opening the Exif dialog and using Tab to switch to the irfanView window. Now you can browse and see the information at the same time. Anyhow, you can't expect the program to do all your work for you. You might want to try a different program or just make a big book. Who would it hurt? I don't know, but IrfanView already has bugs involving these dialogs.

        I'm not discounting your ideas, simply offering alternatives since new features are rarely implemented.


          Originally posted by Skippybox View Post
          $E isn't that much codework. If you are doing that much analyzing then maybe you should use Excel.
          Somehow I had a wrong concept of how it works. Sorry, I should have tried it out. (hitting myself, hitting myself ... ouch ...)
          Not too bad actually.

          Anyhow, you can't expect the program to do all your work for you.
          I don't. I just offer ideas, which I personally find good, and I hope somebody else can find them useful.

          I'm not discounting your ideas, simply offering alternatives since new features are rarely implemented.
          Sigh. I know they are rarely implemented. I'm an idealist ...

          Try opening the Exif dialog and using Tab to switch to the irfanView window. Now you can browse and see the information at the same time.
          That's so wonderful!! I know, you stop believing me now, but I've tried that so often ... it never worked. I used Alt+Tab or Strg+tab. Didn't work. And when you have the information window or the exif window open and click on the image, the information window flashes several times, indicating you that you have to close it first ... that's why I thought it would be impossible.

          Thanks so much for showing me, you just enlightened my day !!
          Last edited by boarder's paradise; 25.11.2008, 09:46 PM.


            PS: I did rename the OP's title to reflect the RFE-status, but the the thread title wasn't updated. Is that impossible ?


              Yes and no. I'd imagine steve, the administrator could change that, but currently it's not possible/enabled. Helps not to change it or people might get lost looking for it, only for it not to exist! Remember how you couldn't find your thread, and you didn't even change it's name. You can imagine the confusion it would cause.


                I'm quite active on other boards, too. And whenever possible I tag the threads with a short prefix (without changing the rest of the title).
                for questions:
                [solved] ... , [unsolved] ... , [unsolvable] ...
                for bugs:
                [bug] ..., [open] ..., [done] ...., [dupe] ...
                for RFE's:
                [done, thanks!] ...

                And I appreciate when other people do it, so that you see already in the thread list, what's going on. Ideally there would be a traffic light or something like this, the user can set.
                It's quite helpful to immediately see unsolved bugs, for example.


                  Originally posted by Skippybox View Post
                  Try opening the Exif dialog and using Tab to switch to the irfanView window. Now you can browse and see the information at the same time.
                  Strange, that does not work for me.

                  Tab just cycles focus in the Exif window between
                  - Exif information
                  - "Copy to clipboard" Button
                  - "OK" button

                  And while the Exif information window is open, I can not move the main window to front.

                  PS: Running Irfanview version 4.23


                    And I can't move between those items! What is your computer's configuration?

                    Do you have just the EXIF window open (key E) or the Information window, too? Have you tried ALT+Tab or simply clicking on the viewer window? Both work for me in 4.23 in addition to Tab, but it depends on what exactly is open. The viewer never comes forward, the other windows remain on top.


                      I am running Irfan View 4.23 updated from 3.98. System is Win XP Prof.

                      Whatever window is open (information window or Exif window only), it remains on top. Clicking on Irfan View window just rings the system bell and makes the information (or Exif) window title flash several times. Alt+Tab cycles through open programs but not between Irfan View and information (or Exif) window. Tab just flicks through the information (or Exif) window's UI elements.


                        Quite interesting. Well, it appears something must be different in the computer's settings. Boarder's paradise obviously has found it to work like mine, yet also shares a few of your observations.

                        I am working on a notebook, if that makes a difference, but I also use a mouse with it occasionally. The system bell rings when I try to click on the viewer in just about any dialog. However, the EXIF info is a window, so this does not happen. It behaves much like the Thumbnail window, which can be switched to, using Tab or the mouse (these should definitely work for you). Except, I can only Tab to the viewer, not back to EXIF! If Thumbs were open, it would switch to that. Alt+Tab does the same (only one icon), so the only way to give it focus is to click on the EXIF window again. Thumbs has its own icon.
                        Last edited by Skippybox; 22.01.2009, 12:41 AM.


                          I reinstalled IrfanView including the Exif plugin.

                          Tabbing from Exif window to the viewer works for me now but not vice versa.


                            Be ever so careful how you describe the behavior of IrfanView windows, Skippybox. Here is something to try with the Info box.

                            Open an image. You can bring up the info box from either the menu, toolbar icon or keyboard (pressing I). All have the same result. The Info box is modal, that is you cannot do anything with the Viewer window while Info is open. Keyboard or mouse keys just give a warning bell as you described.

                            Close Info and open Thumbnails in a window off to one side. If you click on menu or toolbar in the Viewer window to open Info, the viewer window moves on top of thumbnails and Info behaves as before. If you use keyboard key I to open Info though, Thumbnails remains on top along with the Info box and the Info box is no longer modal. You can click in the Viewer window to do something. When you do both Thumbnails and Info vanish below Viewer but you can bring them back using the Windows taskbar icon or Alt+Shift. That Info window now appears to have attached itself to Thumbnails.

                            Move on a few images. Keyboard key I does not now work, but menu or toolbar will bring up another Info box. Bring Thumbnails back on top. Drag the info box to one side. You now see two Info boxes. The one attached to thumbs still shows info of the earlier image whereas the new one is of the current image.

                            Can you see why I say be careful?
                            Last edited by Mij; 21.01.2009, 09:13 PM. Reason: Wrong order of instructions in last paragraph.


                              Resizing Exif Window?

                              Can anybody resize the Exif window?

                              I can keep it open but I can not use it to compare Exif values that are at the bottom of the Exif window: The Exif window is not resizable. I have to scroll down to see the value. When jumping to the next image, Exif window automatically scrolls to top. Bummer.

