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Resize/Resample to Max pixel length

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    Requested Resize/Resample to Max pixel length

    Many posting sites have a maximum pixel measure on the longest side. Many people seem to get caught because they always set the width, even for a portrait, forgetting that the height pixels are greater for a portrait.

    To prevent this happening, I would like to see an option that allows the User to set a maximum pixel length when resizing, and let the programme decide.

    Thanks for the cane to comment.

    Why can't you use "Set long side to:" in advanced batch conversion or /resize_long=X via the command line?


      Thanks for the reply.

      I probably can! I just did not know about it.

      I will check it out, but I was trying to keep it very simple. I repeatedly try to help people who "can't" suss out how to resize an image . So I want this to be as up front as possible. Most of them would not be in batch mode anyway. Mostly single photos.


        OK. Yep. I will write a little shortcut with the needed cmd lines. Thanks

        I would still like to see the option in the simple Resize/Resample Dbox.



          I agree it should be in the Resize box.

          You can actually run a batch conversion on a single image. You might try using the external editor function:

          C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe ""%1" /advancedbatch /one"

          This will transform the current image in the viewer using the settings in batch conversion and replace it in the viewer (no saving).

          If you have edits then you might try copying the image and using the /clippaste switch instead of %1.

          You could also try writing a batch file allowing some type of input.


            Boy it's been a while since I wrote batch files! I used to write batch files with input, but I would have to refresh big time.

            I had already discovered clippaste. Brilliant. Just what I wanted.

            Is there a place showing some examples of how to use command lines? I can pick through and trial and error, but some syntax would be nice.


              All the command line options are in Help with several examples. The batch file with input is neat, but may be too much work since you have to work with the INI. I have experimented with it though.

              Oh, I should mention that there is probably an easier way to set max pixel length. In the Resize dialog, just choose the same value for both width and height, while enabling preserve aspect ratio.
              Last edited by Skippybox; 06.03.2009, 03:04 PM.


                Thanks mate! You are a gem.

                I have jumped into this very stale and completely new to IView. Another guy has been working with me, and we had nutted out a few of the bits (I don't just post questions and wait! )

                We are going to use a tailored .ini file, so all the sizes etc are pre-set. Others will then only have to install the IView programme and the plugins and the bat file will call all of the parameters.

