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Open RAW 16 bpp greyscale option

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    Requested Open RAW 16 bpp greyscale option

    I work with raw images from an imager, which ouputs 12 bits/pixel for each color channel (there are a total of 6 color channels). The 12 bits are packed into 2 bytes, ei 16 bits. Each color channel goes into a separate raw file. So a file on its own is effectively in greyscale.

    To open this in IV, an option in the 'Set RAW open parameters' dialog would have to be added under the 16bpp heading to open it as greyscale, 2 bytes per pixel.

    I don't know if IV supports more than 8 bits / color channel ?

    IV internally supports only what the windows DIB format supports, i.e. indexed images at 1 bpp (1 color), 4 bpp (16 colors), 8 bpp (256 colors) and 24 bpp RGB images (~16,8*10^6 colors); it can open some different formats (e.g. 32 bpp images), but while loading these images it converts them to 24 bpp.
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