iView/Expression Media call it "Event," XnView and others call it "JobID," and I've been Google-ing my mouse-clicking hand sore trying to see if there's an IIM or XMP code or reference to it.
My particular reason for requesting it has to do with slideshows. I typically have the filename, width x height, zoom size, index displayed on one line, Credit on the next, and Original Transmission Reference on the next. My own way of using Event/JobID is to describe the picture content a little more than what's allowed or expected in an Original Transmission Reference. For instance an Event of "On The Beaches" as a finer point on a picture's Trans. Ref. of "Bikini Girls." I'd like to be able to change that last line of info displayed during a slideshow to Original Transmission Reference, space, slash, space, Event.
Thanks in advance. Or thanks for giving it some consideration, in any event (npi).
My particular reason for requesting it has to do with slideshows. I typically have the filename, width x height, zoom size, index displayed on one line, Credit on the next, and Original Transmission Reference on the next. My own way of using Event/JobID is to describe the picture content a little more than what's allowed or expected in an Original Transmission Reference. For instance an Event of "On The Beaches" as a finer point on a picture's Trans. Ref. of "Bikini Girls." I'd like to be able to change that last line of info displayed during a slideshow to Original Transmission Reference, space, slash, space, Event.
Thanks in advance. Or thanks for giving it some consideration, in any event (npi).