I am using IrfanView commandline to create a custom greyscale monitor display.
This is achieved by continuously launching the capture full screen method from IrfanView in
combination with save as greyscale jgp. IrfanView is awfully fast for a capture application.
These captured greyscale images are overlayed on top of all other windows at runtime via
Autohotkey. So far so good. Works fine, BUT I cannot use the IrfanView capture after the first
few capture runs, since IrfanView is capturing from the already overlayed greyscale image.
Which means the image stays constant, instead of updating every frame.
For this to work I would like to ask for the Capture Function of IrfanView to be extended, so that
one can capture the whole screen below an active allscreen overlay. If that is possible at all.
Figure only a virtual screen invoked by Irfan could manage that.
This, however is way beyond my own programming abilities.
Ist this request achievable at all or pure think-tanking?
Thanks for reading, have a nice day,
I am using IrfanView commandline to create a custom greyscale monitor display.
This is achieved by continuously launching the capture full screen method from IrfanView in
combination with save as greyscale jgp. IrfanView is awfully fast for a capture application.
These captured greyscale images are overlayed on top of all other windows at runtime via
Autohotkey. So far so good. Works fine, BUT I cannot use the IrfanView capture after the first
few capture runs, since IrfanView is capturing from the already overlayed greyscale image.
Which means the image stays constant, instead of updating every frame.
For this to work I would like to ask for the Capture Function of IrfanView to be extended, so that
one can capture the whole screen below an active allscreen overlay. If that is possible at all.
Figure only a virtual screen invoked by Irfan could manage that.
This, however is way beyond my own programming abilities.
Ist this request achievable at all or pure think-tanking?
Thanks for reading, have a nice day,