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links to picture files (.lnk)

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    Requested links to picture files (.lnk)

    To avoid duplicated picture files I created link to this files (.lnk extension) but it seems IV don't manage correctly those links.
    1- By clicking on the link IV display corectly the linked file but browsing with "space" stoke or mouse remains in the directory of the file.
    2- By browsing a directory IV don't display a linked file.

    Pour éviter la duplication de fichier j'ai créé des liens (extensin .lnk) mais IV ne semble pas gérer convenablement ces liens.
    1- En cliquant sur le lien, IV affiche correctement le fichier lié mais avec la touche espace ou la souris poursuit le parcours dans le répertoire du fichier.
    2- En parcourant une directory, IV n'affiche pas un fichier en lien.

    Thanks by reading and answering.
    Merci de me lire et me répondre.

    Joël de Paris

    If you want to include linked files when Browsing a Folder or in Thumbnails you need to use the "Load Custom file types" option and include LNK in the list of file types to be opened.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Include LNK.png
Views:	1
Size:	83.8 KB
ID:	80693


      But .lnk is a very common link. Would it be better to include .jpg.lnk, .png.lnk...?
      Would be more work to include all types, but prevent trying to open .doc.lnk, .exe.lnk...


        Many thanks for your answers.
        @ Mij : logged as administrator in Options => set file association... => Load custom file types => I added LNK followed by a vertical bar. Reboot and so one.
        The behaviour remains the same : the browsing remains in the directory of the linked file, not in the one of the .lnk file.
        @ Derniwi : not ambiguous because I work in directories dedicated to pictures only.
        I work with IV 4.30 and W7 64 bits but the behaviour is the same with IV 4.20 and XP SP3.


          Originally posted by JoeldeParis View Post
          Many thanks for your answers.
          @ Mij : logged as administrator in Options => set file association... => Load custom file types => I added LNK followed by a vertical bar. Reboot and so one.
          Note that what looks like a vertical bar is the "pipe" symbol, the bar with a gap in it (above \ on a UK keyboard). Are the changes you made to the options still there when you next re-open Irfanview? If not they have not been saved in the i_view32.ini file. Logging in as administrator makes no difference when running Irfanview in Win7. Your "working" INI file should be in your Appdata folder in Win7 and the INI file in the Irfanview Program files(64) folder should just redirect to the Appdata INI.


            I apologize for the long response time.

            -- I used the "pipe" vertical bar.
            -- LNK appears first in the "load custom file types"
            -- The i_view.ini file in C:\Program Files (x86)\IrfanView\i_view32.ini contains only [Others] INI_Folder=%APPDATA%\IrfanView
            No improvement.

            Maybe i was not enough clear.
            Assume the following structure
            Catalog master contains : linkto_2.lnk linkto_B.lnk linkto_A.lnk
            Catalog picture1 contains : 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg ...
            Catalog picture2 contains : A.jpg B.jpg ...
            By cliking in the master on linkto_2.lnk and browsing i wish to see 2.jpg B.jpg and A.jpg
            But I see 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg...

            Last edited by JoeldeParis; 03.03.2012, 12:30 AM.


              Release :
              If the first one object clicked is a pure .jpg file the behaviour is correct !


                I think I understand now. What I suggest is that you open Irfanview thumbnails, not the main viewer. Go to your master folder and you should see thumbnails of all the files that are linked from that folder. Open the viewer window by double clicking on the first thumbnail and you should then be able to browse to all the other files that are linked from the master folder.

