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Using the Irfanview window as an overlay.

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    Using the Irfanview window as an overlay.

    It would be cool if the Irfanview window could function as an overlay. I almost got it to work. AutoHotkey has functions that can make a window click-through, as well as transparent. Irfanview is not compatible with the mentioned AutoHotkey scripts, nor does Irfanview support changing window transparency, or click-through ability. I greatly suspect that the incompatibility is because of the functionality provided by the following Irfanview options: Options, Always on top and Options, Minimize. It seems like the window-updating functions are performed continuously.

    This can be probably be fixed by somehow telling Irfanview to stop manipulating its own window.
    Alternatively, this can definitely be fixed by adding window click-through functionality, and window transparency functionality.

    Source AHK scripts:
    Click through: (This is a simple AHK code snippet.)
    The official AutoHotkey community forums - share your scripts or functions, find answers to your questions and discuss topics with other members

    Transparency: (I use this one a lot.)
    The official AutoHotkey community forums - share your scripts or functions, find answers to your questions and discuss topics with other members

    Both in one: (I have a script very similar to this, but not this.)
    The official AutoHotkey community forums - share your scripts or functions, find answers to your questions and discuss topics with other members

    It would be cool if the Irfanview window could function as an overlay
    It would be helpful if you explained what your use case is for having Irfanview as a (semi?)-transparent, click-through overlay, which is presumably on top of some other windows.

    Why is this arrangement useful to you (and maybe other people too)?

    What would you display in Irfanview while using the windows underneath?

    Do you expect to interact with the Irfanview window at all, or is it always click-through?


      (sorry for maybe dual posting, I really struggle with this forum's UI.)
      "Why is this arrangement useful to you (and maybe other people too)?"
      - It would enable me to draw up a game character in a good image editor, or from an scan of a real drawing, and then overlay the charactor in Irfanview with all UI hidden. The overlay would be over something like Sculptris, a 3d editing program. No other image viewer can hide their entire UI like Irfanview can.
      - It would also enable a way to make an always-visible reference sheet for stuff like Dungeons & Dragons. It would never be in the way.

      "What would you display in Irfanview while using the windows underneath?"
      - Concept art of game content that is in development
      - As a very fluid reference window for complex tasks
      Do you expect to interact with the Irfanview window at all, or is it always click-through?

      "The function to allow this seems to affect the entire window."
      If Irfanview is doing this, it has the following options when overlay is used:
      - use a program icon for access (program icon is the expandable icons on the right side of a windows start bar. Having a start bar might require a program called "classic shell").
      - make a new window that is only used for restoring interaction with the main window.
      - wait for a shortcut key that is retrieved from direct keyboard inputs. (Virus scanners might not like this one, but I might be wrong on that. Its just a guess.)
      If Irfanview is not doing this (but AHK is), it would be because of a INI setting, or embedded setting, to disable Irfanview's window management.
      Last edited by lostdarkwolf; 02.10.2021, 02:47 PM. Reason: Add quotes and touchup


        Layers, this is the perfect use case for layers. Most advanced graphics editors and artist drawing programs support layers. You just add your sketch/reference as a semi-transparent layer in your project.
        My system: IrfanView 4.62 64bit, Windows 10 22H2, Intel Core i5-3570, 16GB RAM, NVidia GTX 1050Ti 4GB


          I'm talking about having a transparent window that will cleanly display an image while not being interactable. The key is the un-interactable part. It would be like printing on a piece of glass, and then taping it to your monitor, but all digitally. I'm not trying to generate an image, I'm trying to get the Irfanview window to behave a certain way. Irfanview refuses because of already implemented features that are managing the window at every frame that Irfanview is running. If the Irfanview devs just allow Irfanview to stop doing this weird widow management behavior, the AHK scripts will probably work. The devs wont need to implement window transparency, or click-through ability this way.

          If the devs DO want to have Irfanview manage its own window appearance, to get this feature, they need to implement BOTH window transparency, and click-through ability.

          If the devs DON'T want Irfanview to manage its own window appearance, to get this feature, the window management routines within Irfanview need to be turned off.
          - This would probably break the following Irfanview options: Options, Always on top and Options, Minimize.
          - Only the Irfanview devs can add this kind of switch.


            You may ask the developer, the contact info is in Help - About IrfanView
            However there is probably a reason why IrfanView window works the way it does.

            How are the other game developers using reference images? I believe that most art programs do allow using reference images.
            My system: IrfanView 4.62 64bit, Windows 10 22H2, Intel Core i5-3570, 16GB RAM, NVidia GTX 1050Ti 4GB


              I was saying that this feature would be great for the user to display reference images seamlessly into the window. That is also what I would use it for, if it were implemented.
              I would also use it to greatly aid my process of digitizing game assets that I had drawn on paper. I answered it this way because the question was about what I personally would use this feature for. I don't think I'll contact the developer though. This feature is just a thing I was only somewhat hoping for. No need to trouble myself. Since the mentioned AHK scripts work for many applications, I can just find or make a different program to accomplish what I'm trying to do. Thank you for your time and help.


                I have never used this function, but think the idea is quite interesting. I edit photos in Photoshop so often

