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Request: A full counting system for saving files.

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    Requested Request: A full counting system for saving files.

    I was just doing something there that required saving many screenshots at once.
    I use Irfanview all the time for screencapping, with a constant process opened specifically for this, but in this case it was a timed screenshot.
    The problem was I needed to save sub-second shots, specifically 4FPS.
    Irfanview has no millisecond flag, and it currently doesn't append a duplicate file number, I assume it overwrites.
    It does, however, have the "###" flag that lets you append a basic counter to files.
    This solved that particular problem.
    The problem with this counter is it doesn't reset, and it is pretty basic. (as far as I can tell, I looked quite a bit to see if there was anything else on it)
    Instead of fixing such a minor thing, there is a great opportunity to expand it entirely.

    My feature request is a full counting system with basic rules for resetting, customizable by whatever format you set inside its enclosure.
    Say we take the $c flag, $c is available as far as I know.
    Inside that, we can place a format. $c(####)
    Now there is 2 ways this could be done:
    1) those ### can be replaced with any value from 0-9, a-z, and A-Z (and I guess #& for full base64). This basically sets the maximum value the counter will go to before it resets
    This is useful because it can allow a large number of files to be saved with base64 encoding, which a lot of web servers are compatible with, as well as hundreds of libraries from countless different languages.
    This would be useful right now, but it could be optionally expanded a little more:
    2) Any number of those values can be placed in any order, so if someone wanted to save like $c(987654321), the first file would be 000000001, second would be 000000010, 000000011, etc.
    This allows far more customization of the counting format, but it also considerably increases complexity in code.

    This could be combined with batch files to do incredibly complex numbering schemes currently not possible.
    If someone wanted to number the files in octal, they'd have something like c:\images\image_$c(777777)
    Or Hex, $c(FFFFF), base64 $c(&&&&&&)

    Another important rule is that these numbers should reset if any other part of the filename outside of the counter changes.
    So, if the date changes, the counter gets set back to 0. Or even if the current second changes, it should reset.
    This will allow for chronological ordering as well as numbered ordering within those time periods.

    These are only a small number of things that I would personally use this for, but there are many other things it could be used for, such as re-organizing all of your holiday photos in a batch script, then encode them with base64 names for a web album, with the date being used to separate them in to folders.
    Many other things that are too long to list.

    Thank you for your time and this wonderful program. Never a day goes by where I don't use it.