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More RAW options

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    More RAW options

    I am looking at some datasets containing RAW images.
    IrfanView has pretty good support for this already, but is missing a few things.
    Mostly it's weird pixel formats.

    For example, for 8BPP, the files are grayscale - but the byte is signed.
    It would be nice if I could check a box for that, and have all the values shifted by 128.

    I also have some 2BPP grayscale files that are actually stored as fp16 values (again signed).
    Since they are floating point, they would also need a scale value since they might not be +/- 1.

    I'm sure I will get multichannel (color) files too...

    Also, when opening a RAW file, I have to specify width and height.
    It would be nice if I could set one of them to 0, and it would calculate it for me (based on the other one and the filesize).

