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Does anyone still have the Muru's Filter Soften Alpha 8bf filter?

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    Does anyone still have the Muru's Filter Soften Alpha 8bf filter?

    Checking to see if anyone still has a copy of the "Soften Alpha" 8bf filter that was one of the free Mura's Filters they would be willing to email as an attachment or share via Drop Box etc?

    I had more than a few hard PC crashes over the years some of which involved or happened while automatic backup hard drives had quit working on me. Eventually I wised up and use Carbonite because if it doesn't work on it's own behind the scenes and someone else doesn't make sure the hardware side is working right I just won't remember sadly.

    The one filter I remember liking for some things that I have not been able to replace is a free one from MuRa's Filters called "Soften Alpha" that just as the name says softened only the alpha layer of an image without actually needing to use a program that worked with separate layers. I still have some of his other free filters but not the one I actually used the most. I have Googled for it on and off for several years and his website became inactive for reasons I am not sure about.

    Please send me a PM if you still have a copy of it and know a good way to share it with me. This was a completely free plug in and created I believe with one of the free filter design software for people far more PC savvy than myself. Google will bring up lots of links to various forum discussions about it and MuRa's Filters along with a cached web page html of his old site but no working download links

    I guess I was the only one who liked using this filter LOL. Oh well thought I would try bumping it once. Surely someone out there has it saved somewhere even if they didn't use it much.


      I have a lot of 8bf filters but not that one. Did you ever use it with Irfanview? There was no support at all for an alpha channel in Irfanview before 2009 and I rather doubt if the 8bf plugin has ever been modified to support one.
      Even if it does you would not be able to save the softened Alpha channel. Irfanview always creates a new alpha layer when you save the file, based on the luminance of the RGB layers.


        I think it was more of a simulated effect that softened within a defined parameter on an image either by setting a threshold based on low color content or level of brightness. There are a few 8bf plugins that claim simulate the ability to apply an effect to a layer without actually using layers. Although I had PSE 7 and now PSE 13 I have never been able to invest the time to get a handle on the layers learning curve.

        FWIW PS Touch on my iPad is incredibly simple as far as the menu and this user menu really does not require the use of a touch screen. Although I think it is over priced for what it is PS Touch has a few key features I have not found in other apps.

