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IrfanPaint Plugin for IrfanView

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    Is it possible to have Opaque or Pressure (in PhotoFiltre) parameter in the Clone tool? That would nearly eliminate any need in "real" editors for simple photo processing


      It would need an alpha channel and opacity-aware brushes, that are not supported by Windows GDI. But if I manage to start the new IrfanPaint project (that should use the AGG2D library) I could add this feature.
      IrfanPaint developer
      The latest stable IrfanPaint version is the
      IrfanPaint is now open-source (released under BSD license).


        Thank you for the response. Can it be simple, without channels, layers, brushes etc? I understand, that now a new dot (in the given circle) becomes a plain copy of another dot. I'd like it to be new_dot = (another_dot*pressure + old_dot*(1 - pressure)). Windows GDI does provide fns to get a dot and to put a dot, doesn't it? Or the only way to do it is technically through alpha, brushes, etc? Not a specialist in programming graphics, sorry. Just asking


          How does Irfan do what he calls an Alpha blend between images in a slideshow?

          I think that is what we are talking about here with the degree that the blend is allowed to reach being controlled either by a "pressure" setting or perhaps by the dwell time of the clone brush over an area or the number of passes through it.


            Good question.
            I tested this, I wanted to see a slow blending, but it does seem to have a fixed time for the transition.
            But this is obviously one bitmap becoming transparent in steps on top of the other.

            Opaqueness and the number of passes are indeed important properties in case of a brush.
            Rest In Peace, Sam!


              Combining The Eraser and other Tools


              Is there some means using both , in the same time , The Eraser and The Ellipse Tool ? to combine their effects.

              Example : I want to copy a circle from another image ; the copy tool uses rectangles : so I will have to use the eraser for restoring the original image around the circle. It's possible but long ; combining The Eraser and The Ellipse Tool would be very interesting.



                What you'd really need would be elliptical/free selection and transparency in copying/pasting (or floating selections in pasting). It is the correct approach for this kind of needs, but, since IV doesn't have layers and, even if IP added it, the copy and paste would still be handled by IV, there are not many chances to get the behavior you'd like.
                IrfanPaint developer
                The latest stable IrfanPaint version is the
                IrfanPaint is now open-source (released under BSD license).


                  This has a lot in common with what I was asking for earlier in the thread.
                  I asked then if it was possible to combine use of the color converter with the Erase to original and Clone brush tools.
                  The objective was to allow the kind of feature that Jacques_PARIS has requested without the need for layers and complex masks.

                  I envisaged two possible ways of creating an oval (or circular) insert in a picture.

                  1. Draw a filled oval. Replace the color of that oval by cloning from somewhere else
                  2. Copy and paste a rectangular area from somewhere else. Draw a broad unfilled oval onto that area. Extend the color outwards if needed with the paint brush to cover the corners of the rectangle. Use the Eraser with right button pressed to restore the original over the whole colored area.


                    IrfanPaint released
                    This release just fixes a memory leak in the advanced eraser tool; if the Paint palette was kept open while browsing several images, the advanced eraser tool didn't deallocate the memory for the old backup DIBs; this lead to memory exhaustion, general system slowdown (on old machines) and to instability of IrfanView and IrfanPaint (thanks to Leo Breuss, Homer Seywerd and Irfan Skiljan for reporting and testing).
                    Why did the release number jump from 67 to 69? Because I got it wrong, and when I noticed it I had already committed the changes in the SVN. :P

                    You can download the updated dll from the usual place, and also at the new Google Code page.
                    Last edited by MItaly; 28.07.2010, 06:50 PM.
                    IrfanPaint developer
                    The latest stable IrfanPaint version is the
                    IrfanPaint is now open-source (released under BSD license).


                      My impression is that the problem with the selection box has got much worse with this new release. Previously I was able to use the selection box up to around 100% zoom before there was a problem. Now I cannot use it at any zoom.
                      Do others find that too?


                        Grrr, now I remember! This version includes some changes that require a new IV exe to work correctly, since it expects selections directly in DIB coords.
                        Hell, I have to update the full packet; in the evening I should fix it.
                        IrfanPaint developer
                        The latest stable IrfanPaint version is the
                        IrfanPaint is now open-source (released under BSD license).


                          Ok, here's an updated version ( which includes also some of ugly hacks to play along well with IV 4.27 selections, please give it a try and let me know before I post the new release announcement on the home page.
                          Last edited by MItaly; 30.07.2010, 12:01 AM.
                          IrfanPaint developer
                          The latest stable IrfanPaint version is the
                          IrfanPaint is now open-source (released under BSD license).


                            IrfanPaint released

                            This release fixes a bug in the previous one which made selections not working correctly with the current IV version.
                            It also includes some hacks to make IrfanPaint work better with the new IV selections handling.

                            Note: it's strongly advised to update from .67 and .69 to this release, since the former includes a serious memory leak bug, and the latter makes working with selections almost impossible.
                            IrfanPaint developer
                            The latest stable IrfanPaint version is the
                            IrfanPaint is now open-source (released under BSD license).


                              It appears to work very well. A good result however ugly the code may be. Thanks.


                                Hi! Thx for a great plug-in...

                                I'm using IV with IP for long time for creating pictures in userguides and like.. This is very easy, and to make it perfect I would like to add one important function: a marker!

                                The ability to quickly do transparant marking on the image in maybe 3-5 different colors would really make this combinatin complete...

                                I hope you keep up the good work, and will be able to add this. Thx.

                                BR Frank

