I would like to ask: How do I integrate OptiPNG's executable with Irfanview, so that when I save PNG files, it will automatically call OptiPNG to do the compression?
]I have already created a .BAT file that I use when recompressing PNG files. Here's the contents of the .BAT file using OptiPNG: (It put it in Windows' 'Send to' menu. Also, the script is designed for single PNG files [I use another script for folders containing .PNG files])
Note: I do not use Irfanview's PNGOut plugin because it is very slow. OptiPNG gives out a good balance between speed and compression size. Also, it's free, open source software.
]I have already created a .BAT file that I use when recompressing PNG files. Here's the contents of the .BAT file using OptiPNG: (It put it in Windows' 'Send to' menu. Also, the script is designed for single PNG files [I use another script for folders containing .PNG files])
@echo off :compressFile "C:\Program Files\Compression Scripts\OptiPNG\optipng.exe" -zc9 -zm9 -zs0-3 -f0-5 -preserve %1% echo. echo. SHIFT if exist %1% goto compressFile PAUSE