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Issues with batch rename and creating folders on W10AU

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    Solved Issues with batch rename and creating folders on W10AU


    I have a renaming pattern of $T(%Y)\$T(%m-%B)\$T(%d_%m_%Y - %Hh_%Mm_%Ss) that was working prior to updating W10 to the anniversary update. Now when i attempt to run it complains about permissions.

    test run
    Pattern: $T(%Y)\$T(%m-%B)\$T(%d_%m_%Y - %Hh_%Mm_%Ss)
    Processing file: O:\DCIM\100CANON\IMG_0828.JPG
    ... Ok - C:\TMP\2016\07-July\22_07_2016 - 19h_59m_30s.JPG
    Processing file: O:\DCIM\100CANON\IMG_0829.JPG
    ... Ok - C:\TMP\2016\07-July\22_07_2016 - 19h_59m_32s.JPG
    batch run
    Pattern: $T(%Y)\$T(%m-%B)\$T(%d_%m_%Y - %Hh_%Mm_%Ss)
    Processing file: O:\DCIM\100CANON\IMG_0828.JPG
    Can't rename file!
    (maybe the filename already exists or a permission problem)
    : C:\TMP\2016\07-July\22_07_2016 - 19h_59m_30s.JPG
    Processing file: O:\DCIM\100CANON\IMG_0829.JPG
    Can't rename file!
    (maybe the filename already exists or a permission problem)
    : C:\TMP\2016\07-July\22_07_2016 - 19h_59m_32s.JPG
    It appears to be an issue with irfanview creating sub folders since this naming works $T(%d_%m_%Y - %Hh_%Mm_%Ss).

    Irfanview v4.42 tested both 64bit and 32bit versions.
    File and folder permissions are correct.
    Also tested running Irfanview as administrator with same results.
    Last edited by A_Man_Eating_Duck; 07.08.2016, 01:17 AM.

    The most obvious reason is that you created files with the same names in your test run and you are now trying to overwrite them. I presume you checked that?

    If you do want to overwrite existing files with the same name you have to run a Batch conversion - Rename and check Overwrite existing files in the Advanced options.


      There are no folders or files in the output directory i'm using. When i run the batch there is nothing copied or folders created, it just shows the can't rename the file error.

      just tested it on my work machine which is also running W10AU (64bit), also the same problem.

      Pattern: $T(%Y)\$T(%m-%B)\$T(%d_%m_%Y - %Hh_%Mm_%Ss)
      Processing file: S:\Administration\ID Photos\New Photos\xxxxxx.jpg
      Can't rename file!
      (maybe the filename already exists or a permission problem)
      : D:\irfanviewtest\2016\08-August\04_08_2016 - 13h_35m_53s.jpg
      1 Files - Errors: 1, Warnings: 0
       Volume in drive D is Storage
       Volume Serial Number is ACEA-DA9F
       Directory of D:\irfanviewtest
      08/08/2016  06:08 a.m.    <DIR>          .
      08/08/2016  06:08 a.m.    <DIR>          ..
                     0 File(s)              0 bytes
                     2 Dir(s)  591,235,702,784 bytes free
      Permissions are correct for that folder (i'm local admin, administrators group has full permission)
      Last edited by A_Man_Eating_Duck; 07.08.2016, 06:16 PM.


        OK. I understand what you are trying to do now.

        You can only create file names in the "Name Pattern" box. Folder names have to be created in "Output directory for result files".
        So your Name pattern will need to be $T(%d_%m_%Y - %Hh_%Mm_%Ss)
        and your Output directory for result files will be D:\irfanviewtest\$T(%Y)\$T(%m-%B)


          Thanks for your assistance Mij.

          Splitting the formatting between filename and output directory sorted it out.

          I've been doing it the wrong way for a long period of time.

          EDIT: it appears that i can not prefix the original post with solved, just no option or drop down appears near the title field in advanced mode.
          Last edited by A_Man_Eating_Duck; 07.08.2016, 10:47 PM.

