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File size changing?

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    Solved File size changing?

    Hi, I have used and donated years ago because I love the ease and simplicity of IrfanView! Must be over 10 years now I have been a user :-)

    One thing I recently noticed is that when I review JPG files and save them to a new folder, the new files are about 1/10th the size as my original JPG. I shoot on the Fine setting on my Nikon 7200, which leaves me with 10+MB file. When I resave files, my goofy way of sorting through 1000s of pics, the new file created in less than 1MB. What is being trimmed from my file to reduce it by that much?

    It is hard to see a quality difference but when I pull the 2 versions into photoshop, once I start making changes the smaller image seems much lower quality. Is there anything I can change to stop this?

    Re-saving an image as jpg-file will always(!) reduce image quality. You can set the image quality in percentage in the save dialog (check the "show options dialog" box there), but even at 100% it will lose you quality.

    Better use menu "File--> Move File" (also F7 shortcut) to sort your files.

    Best to play around with the feature first, so as to get used to how it works.

    currently running 4.56 / 32 bit


      Originally posted by jazzman View Post
      Re-saving an image as jpg-file will always(!) reduce image quality. You can set the image quality in percentage in the save dialog (check the "show options dialog" box there), but even at 100% it will lose you quality.

      Better use menu "File--> Move File" (also F7 shortcut) to sort your files.

      Best to play around with the feature first, so as to get used to how it works.
      Thanks Jazzman, I did know of the quality slider but had not thought to use the Move File function.

