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per shift+e über jhead den exif comment editieren

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    per shift+e über jhead den exif comment editieren

    Hi irfanview fans,

    hat jemand die Lösung, wie der String aussehen muss, in Optionen->Andere2->externer Viewer/Editor damit man über jhead -ce und notepad den kommentar in der exif-info setzen und speichern kann?

    Folgendes habe ich schon versucht bei externer Viewer blabla:
    jhead -ce
    jhead.exe -ce
    c:\bin\jhead.exe -ce
    IrfanView versucht dann jhead aufzurufen, was aber zum Absturz mit Fehlermeldung führt "Fehler in Anwendung...verweist auf Speicher...konnte nicht ausgeführt werden..."
    Nur wenn jhead ohne Parameter eingegeben wird, blitzt kurz das Dosfenster auf, aber leider nur mit dem Debug der exif info.

    Bei meinem System ist notepad der unter der Systemvariablen "editor" angegebene Editor.

    Danke falls jemand helfen kann. Greez nero

    jhead version is 2.84

    Hi irfanview fans,
    has someone an idea, how to setup the string in settings->others2->external viewer/editor, to modify and save the comment in the exif info via jhead -ce and in a consequence notepad?

    I've already tried these:
    jhead -ce
    jhead.exe -ce
    c:\bin\jhead.exe -ce
    IrfanView tries to call jhead, but this crashes jhead in the dosbox with an erro message.
    If only "jhead" is given as the string, a dos box flashes with only the exif info as a debug.

    In my system notepad is the editor setted in the environment variable "editor".

    Thanks in advance for any help. Greez Nero.

    jhead version is 2.84
    Last edited by Nero; 06.12.2008, 06:50 PM. Reason: Syskonfig...
    - IrfanView 3.97
    - Win XP prof. SP2
    - Intel Core Duo

    Is it possible that you are viewing an image that only exists in RAM (for example the clipboard content, etc.), not an actual physical file on your harddisk, is that possible? Also please post the full error message [...]
    Last edited by boarder's paradise; 08.12.2008, 02:56 PM.


      Irfanview (v4.10 onwards) will not accept options after the .exe
      Create a shortcut with your exe program with options as the target. Drag and drop a file name onto it to check that it works as you want it to.
      If so enter the path and name of the shortcut as your External editor in Irfanview.


        So instead of the .exe, use a .lnk? Why was .exe forbidden with 4.10 onwards, any obvious reasons ?


          Originally posted by Nero View Post
          I've already tried these:
          jhead -ce
          jhead.exe -ce
          c:\bin\jhead.exe -ce
          IrfanView tries to call jhead, but this crashes jhead in the dosbox with an erro message.
          If only "jhead" is given as the string, a dos box flashes with only the exif info as a debug.
          I think it's a bug in jhead. I downloaded the program and tried it, and the -ce parameter crashes right from the console window (without IrfanView), so it doesn't have anything to do with IV I guess. Do you know that you can enter a lot of information into the picture by just pressing "i" (and selecting "comment" or "IPTC") ?
          (BTW, if you get jhead to do thumbnail extraction via -st, then please tell me how, it doesn't work for me. thanks.)


            Originally posted by boarder's paradise View Post
            So instead of the .exe, use a .lnk? Why was .exe forbidden with 4.10 onwards, any obvious reasons ?
            It was when the feature was extended to allow for 3 External editors instead of 1. Why, we lost that functionality who knows? I requested it back but it did not reappear in 4.20.

            ".exe" is not forbidden but everything after it is ignored. So the only way to include an optional switch such as the OP's "-ce" is to call a .lnk or .bat executable instead of an .exe


              I see. thanks for the info.

              (BTW, I got it wrong, I meant ... "why was anything BUT .exe forbidden...")


                Hi guys,
                first of all, thanks for taking the trouble and the support. Here is a summary of what i tried:

                1) i tried the hint with using the .lnk file -> unfort. doesn't work because after selecting this file in IV and clicking OK it is replaced with the original .exe file

                2) if i use jhead in console mode and enter "jhead.exe -ce 2.jpg" at the shell, jhead opens notepad, i can enter my comment and save it to the "JPEG-comment" of the picture (not in the exif-info, this was my fault) -> my system knows, that notepad is the default editor given in the "EDITOR" environment variable -> jhead itself works fine

                3) if i use IV with this string "c:\bin\jhead.exe -ce" in the "external editor" tab, the called "jhead"-application crashes: (crash_1 pic). The error message translation is: "The instruction in "blabla" refers to memory address "blabla". The process "READ" could not be executed on the memory. Clickl blabla..." -> at first blush it sounds like the write-access violation mentioned. I think this is not a topic anymore, since parameters after an .exe are ignored.

                4) i opened 3.jpg in IV and opened a console at the same time, then "jhead -ce 3.jpg -> notepad opens, comment can be entered and so on, i guess there is no problem with object-is-in-ram-but-not-write-accessible

                5) i created a batch-file jheadbat.bat that starts "jhead -ce %1" -> %1 as a parameter, is the pic handed over by IV -> it still crashes, see the 2nd pic; the point now is, that if i enter the same string at the console (including the "" ) it works, but called from IV it doesn't work (crash_2 pic)

                Any other ideas? Or do i have to update IV to the new version?
                Cheers, nero.
                Attached Files
                - IrfanView 3.97
                - Win XP prof. SP2
                - Intel Core Duo


                  Originally posted by Nero View Post
                  Hi guys,
                  1) i tried the hint with using the .lnk file -> unfort. doesn't work because after selecting this file in IV and clicking OK it is replaced with the original .exe file
                  Yes, if you Browse for the link it will only enter an .exe file. You need to edit the entry in the Misc.3 box back to the .lnk file you want, or type in the whole path directly without using Browse.
                  However I did download jhead and confirm what Boarders Paradise says - there are problems with it. I could not make it work from a shortcut link using the -ce option.


                    Originally posted by Nero View Post
                    Hi guys, first of all, thanks for taking the trouble and the support.

                    2) if i use jhead in console mode and enter "jhead.exe -ce 2.jpg" at the shell, jhead opens notepad, i can enter my comment and save it to the "JPEG-comment" of the picture (not in the exif-info, this was my fault)
                    in which case:

                    Originally posted by boarder's paradise View Post
                    Do you know that you can enter a lot of information into the picture by just pressing "i" (and selecting "comment" or "IPTC") ? (BTW, if you get jhead to do thumbnail extraction via -st, then please tell me how, it doesn't work for me. thanks.)


                      I could not get links to work in 3.97.


                        Do you know that you can enter a lot of information into the picture by just pressing "i" (and selecting "comment" or "IPTC") ? (BTW, if you get jhead to do thumbnail extraction via -st, then please tell me how, it doesn't work for me. thanks.)
                        Zitat Ende:

                        Yeah, 'course i know that i could do that. To be honest, this is a mouseclick too much for me (lazy-pig). I prefer to act with my comp by using the shortcuts. Furtheron, it was my hope that the cracks in here can help

                        I will try to get that statement running (jhead to do thumbnail extraction via -st,). I'm stuck in work at our customer in Leeds, but as soon as there is some free time again, i will try too.

                        Will also report about the idea of Mij.
                        - IrfanView 3.97
                        - Win XP prof. SP2
                        - Intel Core Duo


                          I honestly doubt that calling an external program, which in turn opens notepad in which you can enter text which finally you have to save ... will result in less work/keys/mouse clicks than pressing "i" in IrfanView and enter the text directly in the comment section. But to each his own, of course. Cheers.


                            Originally posted by boarder's paradise View Post

                            I honestly doubt that calling an external program, which in turn opens notepad in which you can enter text which finally you have to save ... will result in less work/keys/mouse clicks than pressing "i" in IrfanView and enter the text directly in the comment section. But to each his own, of course. Cheers.
                            Yes you are also absolutely right and i agree with you, maybe it is that because i am using JIGL (perl script photo album generator for web use) in context with jhead and imagemagick

                            And if you are used to work with that command line tool, you once fell in love with, you want to stay with it. Yes, i know it's silly but i hope for your grace .

                            I checked the options of IV and it is not more effort to get that comment into the pic.

                            I got this statement to work: jhead -st "test.jpg" 2.jpg' --> original file size is 2,11MB the thumbfile has 3,51KB. test.jpg is the thumbnail and 2.jpg the original file.
                            - IrfanView 3.97
                            - Win XP prof. SP2
                            - Intel Core Duo


                              Glad to hear that you got it sorted out. And thanks for the parameters, it works for me now, too.

