I received a .wmv file from a friend. Having set IrfanView (IV) as my default viewer, I double clicked the file, and was directed to the IV viewer. It showed the progress bar advancing, but the screen was completely black. I tried several times more, including saving the attachment as a "proper" file. Still IV showed just a black screen. Intrigued, I tried the "open with" option, and selected my Nero viewer. It worked perfectly. Incidentally, the film was of an idiot "testing" his body armour by having a friend fire a .45 at him! I can send you the file if you like. This is not a complaint - I think IV is fantastic, and fantastic value too!!
I received a .wmv file from a friend. Having set IrfanView (IV) as my default viewer, I double clicked the file, and was directed to the IV viewer. It showed the progress bar advancing, but the screen was completely black. I tried several times more, including saving the attachment as a "proper" file. Still IV showed just a black screen. Intrigued, I tried the "open with" option, and selected my Nero viewer. It worked perfectly. Incidentally, the film was of an idiot "testing" his body armour by having a friend fire a .45 at him! I can send you the file if you like. This is not a complaint - I think IV is fantastic, and fantastic value too!!