My pictures are stored in subfolders by date, and I often want to start at a particular dated subfolder and browse pictures in that folder as well as other nearby parallel subfolders. However, when I reach the end of the current folder IV offers only the options of the current folder ("[.]") or the parent folder ("[..]"), but not the previous or next folders at the same level. These would seem to be "natural" options at this point, and I've looked for an option to enable it, but if it's there I've missed it.
Other posts have suggested using Thumbnail view, where I can view all pictures in all subfolders, ignoring the subfolders. But this isn't practical here, since I don't want to navigate through (for wait for thumbnails to be generated for) 10's of thousands of pictures, but just a small subset.
Is there a way to navigate to next and previous folders/directories?
Other posts have suggested using Thumbnail view, where I can view all pictures in all subfolders, ignoring the subfolders. But this isn't practical here, since I don't want to navigate through (for wait for thumbnails to be generated for) 10's of thousands of pictures, but just a small subset.
Is there a way to navigate to next and previous folders/directories?