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    Solved Zoom

    Hi, i use irfanview from some month; i have the lastest version: 4.25 with plugins.
    I see that the zoo of any image is slow, very slow:
    if i open any image and if i zoom a point on the right of it (for example), i click on "plus button" on the upper bar; for first two zoomming is ok, from the third and upper the zooming operation is very slow and when irfanview zoom it i see the centre of image and not the point of my interest (eg. on the right of image-photo) even if i go at the point of my interest after every zoom.
    is this a bug? with other programs theese things doesn't do

    Windows XP SP3, 380Mb of RAM, Pentiun 4 1300 MHz

    It is resampling that slows down zooming. Try unchecking "Use resample for zooming" in the View >Display options. Zoom to the size you want then press F5 for a single resample if you want a less pixelated image at that size.

    Yes, the + and - keys and Ctrl+scroll wheel do zoom about the center of the image. You can use right click and drag with the mouse or the Home, End, PageUp, PageDown keys* to quickly scroll back to where you want.

    *Note though that to use the Page Up/Down keys for fast scrolling you will need to uncheck "Jump to next image if page keys or mouse wheel used.." option under Properties/Settings >Browsing/Editing.


      Ok! Thanks a lot!!!! Problem is solved :-) Thanks thanks thanks!


        Thanks from me too Mij - very handy hints.

        BTW, "Jump to next image if page keys or mouse wheel used.." is now under a different tab: from Properties/Settings, go to "Misc. 1" (that's version 4.23).

