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Exporting image info for a batch of files

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    Exporting image info for a batch of files

    I would love to know if there is a way of exporting image file information for a batch of files. Let me explain why:

    I make animations from (thousands of) image files, rendered into a movie file with FFMPEG. I want to make soundtracks for the animations whose parameters vary with the movie, for example: to allow sound effects volume to vary in proportion with certain image properties, such as number of colours or file (disk) size.

    It would be useful if I could generate a text file with lists of this information for a given folder of images.

    Does anyone know if this is possible in IrfanView, and if so how?

    Hi Birkinstein,

    This is not possible in IrfanView.

    Before you post ... fill in your OS and IV version in your profile.


      OK, well thanks anyway Laurent.

      I think I've found another way using Mathematica to analyse images - it takes a lot of processing but it does the job.

      But can you tell me, just out of interest, how IrfanView calculates the number of unique colours in such a short time? (this info isn't written in the file data, I assume)

