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Can't view other files in the same folder

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    Can't view other files in the same folder

    I am a chinese(traditional) user and I could view other files in the same folders before updating the InfranView to the lastest version.
    But now I find that I can only view one of the pictures in some of the folders(named with traditional chinese).
    If I want to view the other pictures in the same folder, I need to drag them into the window of InfranView one by one.
    How can I solve this problem?
    (Sorry for my poor english...)

    Do you use the unicode plugin?
    See program menu of IrfanView: \Options\Change language...\
    Attached Files


      I have used the unicode plugin already but the problem is still there.

      I find that chinese(traditional) users are not able to view other pictures in the same folders(named with traditional chinese) if they use the unicode plugin.
      To solve the problem, we should not use the plugin but we cannot open the files named with non-character of non-traditional chinese character afterward...
      Last edited by kutar12; 27.05.2010, 04:48 PM.

