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Converting to Line Art; Zooming

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    Converting to Line Art; Zooming

    There is no way that I can adequately sing the praises of Irfanview. Thanks for this excellent software.

    I frequently have to convert color logos (JPG, GIF, PNG) to line art (true black and white, NO grayscale.) Reduce Color Depth does not do a good job, at least as I understand its use. What is the best way to convert to true black and white? I've seen discussions of using thresholds, but I'm not experienced enough to understand that process.

    Is there a way to cause the scroll wheel on the mouse to zoom instead if opening the next drawing?

    AFAIK the nearest to Line Art included in Irfanview is the Find Edges effect that is under Image> Effects >Effect browser
    If you want to get rid of the color from the result use Image >Color corrections and reduce Saturation to zero.

    I seem to recall an 8bf filter that I have seen that does a better job but I cannot find it among those I use in Irfanview.


      There's a couple of plugins here that might help:

      I'm thinking of the Quantizer and GrayDither ones, but grab the DeNoiser while you are there. They all seem good.


        The 8bf plugin that I was trying to remember is Fine Threshold which is found here

        ...and you need to hold down Ctrl to zoom with the mouse scroll wheel.

