I use Irfanview to monitor my collection of photo images, mostly jpegs.
Earlier this year the thumbnails viewer started disappearing whenever I accessed a folder containing images. At first I suspected that I had too many folders - perhaps 30+ subfolders, each containing a few dozen files, but a clearout produced no improvement.
I navigate C:\ -> c:\camera -> c:\camera\subfolder - and the program just disappears! The same happens in other folders as the subfolder containing images is reached.
The machine is a Pentium4 3.2Ghz with 2Gig ram, XPpro v2002 sp2, 137Gbyte free space, and no other apparent problems.
Irfanview version is now V4, with no improvement.
Am I Homer Simpson - is there an obvious fix? I tried the faqs, but nothing shows.
Any advice would be most welcome...
Earlier this year the thumbnails viewer started disappearing whenever I accessed a folder containing images. At first I suspected that I had too many folders - perhaps 30+ subfolders, each containing a few dozen files, but a clearout produced no improvement.
I navigate C:\ -> c:\camera -> c:\camera\subfolder - and the program just disappears! The same happens in other folders as the subfolder containing images is reached.
The machine is a Pentium4 3.2Ghz with 2Gig ram, XPpro v2002 sp2, 137Gbyte free space, and no other apparent problems.
Irfanview version is now V4, with no improvement.
Am I Homer Simpson - is there an obvious fix? I tried the faqs, but nothing shows.
Any advice would be most welcome...