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Auto Play

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    Auto Play

    Still having problems with wanting cd\dvd to boot up and run on insert .For example makig cd photo slide using images like image_04981, P1010001.jpg ad 047.jpg still having trouble identifying correct script to put in root irectory
    Having a seniors moment

    Any Help
    Greaty appreciated


    ratly appreiated

    I do not really understand what you are doing. Is it an executable slideshow ("something.exe") that you have created in Irfanview and then burned to a CD, or do you have individual images on the CD and want a script to autoplay those?


      it is individual slides




        It appears that there is a snag . I can tell you how to configure Irfanview so that it will play a slideshow automatically when launched, but I understand that the Autorun.inf method of automatically launching a program when you insert a CD no longer works in most versions of Windows.
        So unless anyone knows a way around that, I think that it may not be possible.


          Would certainly appreciate your configure info.

          Many Thanks



            This is how I would create a CD that would enable easy launch of several slideshows.
            1. Create a folder called CD to assemble the files and folders to be burned to the CD
            2. Copy i_view32.exe from your Irfanview installation folder to folder CD
            3. Run i_view32.exe in folder CD. Open Slideshow dialog. Set up as attachment 1 typically. Click Play Slideshow. This creates and saves an i_view32.ini file with the required settings.
            4. Create a subfolder in folder CD and put images for first show in it. Repeat for as many shows as you want.
            5. Create a batch file "Launch.bat" containing the single line - i_view32.exe /slideshow=%1 . Save in folder CD
            6. Attachment 2 shows typical contents of folder CD. Select all contents and burn to disk.
            7. To run. Open disk. Drag and drop one of the image folders onto Launch.bat and watch the show.
            Attached Files

