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How To Display File Sizes Under Thumbnails?

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    How To Display File Sizes Under Thumbnails?

    I've used Irfanview Ver. 3.95 thru 4.28 and still can't figure out how to enable the showing of the filesize under each thumbnail, beneath and in addition to the filename which appears in Irfanview Thumbs.

    I have seen many other thumbnail pages which show both name AND size of each thumb, and which indicate that they were created wih Irfanview.

    Am I overlooking something in Options/Properties/Settings or in Thumbnail Options? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


    There is no option to display this information below each thumbnail but you can set up so that you see the filesize in the information box that appears when you hover the mouse cursor over individual ones.


      I understand that the filesize appears when the cursor hovers over an individual thumb. However I remain perplexed when I see many thumbnail pages which show the filename *and* the filesize under each thumb, accompanied by the statement "Created with Irfanview."

      In a different but related matter, is there some way to prevent the *filepath* from appearing in the information box which appears when the cursor hovers over an individual thumb? This occurs with Ver. 3.99, but oddly does not with Ver. 3.95.


        I think what you have seen is a Contact sheet. You can create a page of thumbnails using File > Create contact sheet from selected files. In that dialog you can select information to insert below the thumbnail. Press the Help button in the dialog to see the codes you can insert. For File size it is $S.
        Yes Options > Set Thumbnail options .. opens the dialog where you can choose the information to display for a thumbnail mouse over. The codes there are the same as for the Contact sheet. Just delete the $D from the Thumbnail text box to get rid of the file path


          Upon following your instructions regarding the creation of a *Contact Sheet,* I now understand that what I have occasionally seen elsewhere are indeed Contact Sheets made via Irfanview rather than Irfanview Thumbnail pages. Thank you for explaining and clearing that up for me.

          With respect to information to display for a thumbnail mouse over, the only place where I can select codes is via Irfanview/Options/Properties/Full Screen where the deletion of the code $D of course has no effect on Thumbnails.

          In Irfanview/File/Thumbnails/Options/Set Thumbnail Options, the Options box does *not* contain the option to select codes. I've found that to be consistent with all versions from 3.70 thru 3.99. But strangely, the *filepath* does not appear in the information box when the cursor hovers over an individual thumb in the older versions. It appears only with Ver. 3.99 despite the absence of an option to select codes.

          (Upon review of Irfanview History Changes, I noticed that Ver. 4.20 included: "New thumbnails options to disable or configure info text on mouse over." Perhaps that addresses part of this issue..... )

          I would be grateful if you could you shed any light on this latter issue.
          Last edited by DWL; 04.06.2011, 08:34 AM.


            Still using v3.99? Where have you been? It's June 2011 over here.
            Attached is the thumbnail options dialog box for the current version, 4.28. That is the version I am talking about.
            Attached Files


              I certainly appreciate the most helpful assistance you provided in your earlier responses. I've resolved the second issue by simply rolling back to Ver. 3.95, which satisfies all of *my* needs - - (even in June 2011). :-)
              Thanks again,

