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Problem With Border Frame

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    Problem With Border Frame

    When I try to use use Border/Frame in the Image menu it comes out with the default gray regardless of what colors I choose. Canvas and other tools in the Image Menu work fine so the problem seems to be limited to just that tool in the Image menu. Using 4.3 in Wine 1.2.2. Just now installed 4.3 so no experience if Border/Frame works in Wine.

    Thanks in advance.

    Which Frame style did you choose? What colors did you select? Does the preview show the frame colors you expect? Nobody can help you unless you give some details. Try to include a screenshot of the Border/Frame dialog box with the settings you are using if possible.


      I have tried various colors and settings and I do see those changes but when I click "OK" the tool closes and the resulting photo has the default gray boarder that is displayed when you first open it.

      This is when I have set the new values in the tool:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	example1.png
Views:	1
Size:	48.5 KB
ID:	80596

      But this is what I end up with:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	example2.png
Views:	1
Size:	54.1 KB
ID:	80597


        What you have set up looks OK, so I do not know why it does not work.
        It works for me. I have attached below my versions of the dialog and the result.
        One other thing I notice. If your image is indeed 415 pixels wide as shown in the status bar, then the frame width is not 10 pixels. It is over 20.
        Perhaps someone else can suggest what is wrong.
        Attached Files


          Hi Ray,

          could you please provide us the original image + the exact rgb settings for the inner and outer body color?

          So I can test it booth under Windows and linux (using wine)




            Thanks. At least I know I'm not missing anything obvious. Let me add I did uninstall and install a fresh download but still the same problem. My only wild guess at this point is there is a missing Dll in Wine (other then Mfc42) but I wouldn't have a clue what one and the Canvas tool does work so that seems unlikely to me.


              Originally posted by stefan View Post
              Hi Ray,

              could you please provide us the original image + the exact rgb settings for the inner and outer body color?
              So I can test it booth under Windows and linux (using wine)
              Click image for larger version

Name:	RGB.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	201.1 KB
ID:	80601

              And here is the image.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by ray2047; 24.09.2011, 04:19 AM.


                Stefan, did you have a chance to test in Wine yet? No hurry but would be nice to know if it is a Wine thing.




                  result was:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	VaseWithBorder.png
Views:	1
Size:	42.1 KB
ID:	80602

                  stefan@politeia:~$ wine --version



                    Actually you answered my question I'm running Wine 1.2.2 and you are using 1.3.15 so it is probably my version of Wine. I appreciate all your effort. Thank you.

