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speed control for audio playback of speech available now or planned? (please say Yes)

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    speed control for audio playback of speech available now or planned? (please say Yes)

    My first inquiry - thanks Stefan - longtime user of your powerful tool! 8-D

    I'm happy IrfanView can play audio at double speed, but I find no plug-in or option to auto-adjust the frequency-range of speech that permits somewhat normal sound, when played back at speeds faster than normal.

    I listen to recorded audio-book and spoken word audio playback at double normal speed.
    A time-saver - and it helps squeeze in more Ideas Per Minute into my little head.
    (I'm surprised that MS Windows Media Player offers this as a standard feature - though it doesn't function on all audio file formats, apparently).

    Does anyone have any suggestions for freeware or opensource tools for this? Ideally for IrfanView.

    thanks for your help,


    Originally posted by gregrice View Post
    My first inquiry - thanks Stefan - longtime user of your powerful tool! 8-D

    .... auto-adjust the frequency range....
    (I'm surprised that MS Windows Media Player offers this as a standard feature - though it doesn't function on all audio file formats, apparently).
    Does anyone have any suggestions for freeware or opensource tools for this? Ideally for IrfanView.
    I was unaware that Windows Media Player did that - is it really a standard feature or part of a plug-in?
    I have always used the Change Tempo effect in Audacity to do it. You can apply it to the whole track although it is more commonly applied to just a selected part.

