Recently i backed up photos from a google pixel 3A and found all the images taken in portrait mode all showed up after the last normal camera photo in the folder. Even though the folder is set to date modified descending view in windows explorer, all the portrait photos would be skipped while navigating through the folder using the irfanview viewer. Both portrait photos and normal camera photos are jpgs so it is not a file type issue. The only conceivable difference is that portrait photos are given the prefix: "00000PORTRAIT_00000_BURST" instead of "IMG_". However, renaming a portrait photo manually with a prefix of "IMG_" instead also doesn't seem to correct the navigation viewing. Could somebody help me fix this or explain why irfanview behaves this way please?
Also, how can I correct my right and left keyboard button settings while navigating? When I tap on the right button, the navigator goes left in order of the folder, and when tapping left it goes right. I can't find a viewing menu option to change button behavior or button functions while in the navigator either. For reference, both of these issues above are when using irfanview when windowed and not in fullscreen mode. (Is the right and left button navigation issue because irfanview assumes date modified is in ascending order?)
Also, how can I correct my right and left keyboard button settings while navigating? When I tap on the right button, the navigator goes left in order of the folder, and when tapping left it goes right. I can't find a viewing menu option to change button behavior or button functions while in the navigator either. For reference, both of these issues above are when using irfanview when windowed and not in fullscreen mode. (Is the right and left button navigation issue because irfanview assumes date modified is in ascending order?)