I joined this forum,, because I was puzzled (and aggravated) that -- USUALLY -- Irfanview would put a gray border, roughly 1/8 inch (about 3 mm) thick, all the way around any picture it displayed . . . but, at other times (which I could not control, or figure out), that border would disappear, entirely.
That became a problem, since I wanted to be able to crop some all-time favorite pics, in ways that would totally and entirely fill my monitor screen, with no border; and, I could not do that, when a border was there, since the border has a consistent thickness, all the way around the screen, while my screen has (standard) 16x9 resolution.
After seeing some hints (mainly in this thread:
and after trying a few more things, I realized that the border will disappear, if and only if:
(1) when I first load Irfanview, and have it display a picture, I MUST maximize the Irfanview window, so that it will fill my entire screen, without the gray border that Windows 10 inserts, whenever some window is NOT fully maximized, to fill the entire screen; and,
(2) then, AFTER I have fully maximized Irfanview, in Windows 10, THAT is when I use the options in the "View" pulldown menu, to:
(a) hide the caption bar (Alt-Shift-C), and then,
(b) hide the menu bar (Alt-Shift-M)
That became a problem, since I wanted to be able to crop some all-time favorite pics, in ways that would totally and entirely fill my monitor screen, with no border; and, I could not do that, when a border was there, since the border has a consistent thickness, all the way around the screen, while my screen has (standard) 16x9 resolution.
After seeing some hints (mainly in this thread:
and after trying a few more things, I realized that the border will disappear, if and only if:
(1) when I first load Irfanview, and have it display a picture, I MUST maximize the Irfanview window, so that it will fill my entire screen, without the gray border that Windows 10 inserts, whenever some window is NOT fully maximized, to fill the entire screen; and,
(2) then, AFTER I have fully maximized Irfanview, in Windows 10, THAT is when I use the options in the "View" pulldown menu, to:
(a) hide the caption bar (Alt-Shift-C), and then,
(b) hide the menu bar (Alt-Shift-M)