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Thumbnail refresh slow in large directories

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    Thumbnail refresh slow in large directories

    Hi, just upgraded from Win2000 (!) to Win7.

    I am wondering about the thumbnail view refresh time.

    In a small directory, i.e. c:\Windows\cursors, it's only 1/10th of a second, scroll bar jumping down and up, ready.

    In a big directory i have about 500 themes, each 2 to 20 folders, each folder 10 to 100 pictures of 50 to 500 KB.
    In any of these folders the thumbs view refresh takes 5 long seconds, seems to rebuild the whole file system. It's not picture processing time, doesn't depend on resample or not. The scroll bar is moving slow down, fast up, fast up and down ...

    With version 4.20 on Win2K it took max. 0.5 seconds to refresh the same directories on the same hardware.

    Yes, i do want Irfanview to refresh the thumbs content.


    there is a different resample options for thumbnails (I'm not sure if you meant this setting):
    Menu Options -> Set thumbnail options.. -> Use Resample instaed of Resize

    This will be a faster method for the preview with a not so good quality.

    It also depends on the speed of your hard disk and the setting of your anti virus tool - it is usually not necessary to check image files on every access (but it is your decision). You may test again and disable your anti virus tool.

    Was your Windows 2000 installed on a FAT32 file system? If so it might be a bit slower on NTFS because NTFS manages also last access times which means every read access is also a write access from the system - usually it does not really matter...



      Hallo Nils, i suggest to proceed in english for other readers.

      as i wrote, resample/resize isn't that difference

      Hardware is the same 1,5 TB SATA NTFS as before with Win2k.

      Avira Free on/off is no difference.

      What makes a difference compared to the 5 seconds flickering F5 refresh: clicking into a neighbour folder and back works fast and smooth, as known.

      Regards - Frank

