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Renaming by EXIF Information

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    Renaming by EXIF Information

    Exif saves some nice informations, like day and time that the photo was taken.
    Will be nice if IrfanView can use then to rename the files.

    Something like...

    YYYY for year (4 numbers)
    YY for year (2 number)
    mm for month (3 first characters)
    mmmm for month (full name)
    M for the month (1 number)
    MM for the month (2 numbers)
    dd for week day (3 first characters)
    dddd for week day (full name)
    D for day (1 or 2 digits)
    DD is for the day (2 digits)
    h for 12 hour format time (1 or 2 digits)
    hh for 12 hour format time (2 digits)
    AA for am/pm (only when hh or h)
    H for 24 hour format time (1 or 2 digits)
    HH for 24 hour time (2 digits)
    M for minutes (1 or 2 digits)
    MM for minutes (2 digits)
    S for seconds (1 or 2 digits)
    SS for seconds (2 digits)

    And choose how to put it, looks nice..

    For example:
    YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS should return something like: 2008-01-16 10:30:18

    Got the idea?

    Sorry if It already exists, but I do not have much time to explore IrfanView lately...
    And sorry my english, I'm kinda sleeply. :\

    I understand sleeply perfectly, happens to me a lot when I try to read long Help files. There is a long, sleepy-making list for batch renaming by EXIF in IrfanView's Help - Options section, Text/Pattern Options. Hope you find what you need there (other than a nap and a cup of coffee).
    Its: Belongs to "It"
    It's: Shortened form of "It is"
    Lose: Fail to keep
    Loose: Not tight

    Plurals do not require apostrophes


      Nice guy! It's all that I need! Thank you dude!


        Right on Matera. Read the helpfile, the information that you need is all there. If what you want to do doesn't seem to be possible ask again.

        Text/Pattern Options

        There is very powerfull option to generate text for several dialogs/features:

        · Insert text into selection

        · Batch Conversion/Rename

        · Print Dialog

        · Slideshow

        · Full Screen

        · Contact Sheet

        · HTML Export

        · Command line conversion

        Available placeholders for file/image properties:

        Placeholder Tag name/function

        $D - file directory/folder (whole path)

        $d - file directory/folder (last subfolder only)

        $F - file name (with extension)

        $N - file name (without extension)

        $O - file extension

        $S - file size

        $T - file date/time (see Appendix A for additional examples)

        $U - current system date/time (see Appendix A for additional examples)

        $X - file directory index

        $M - page index in a multipage image

        $Z - actual zoom size (for full screen/slideshow)

        $W - image width

        $H - image height

        $B - image bits per pixel

        $C - JPG file comment, if available

        $I - all IPTC data

        $Ix - value of the JPG IPTC tag x, if available (x is a number, see below) (IPTC PlugIn required)

        $E - all EXIF data

        $Ex - value of the JPG EXIF tag x, if available (x is a number, see below) (EXIF PlugIn required)

        | - new line

        Important/interesting IPTC tags/placeholders, according to IPTC specification:

        Placeholder Tag name/function

        $I5 - Object Name

        $I7 - Edit Status

        $I10 - Priority

        $I15 - Category

        $I20 - Supplemental Category

        $I25 - Keywords

        $I30 - Release Date

        $I35 - Release Time

        $I40 - Special Instructions

        $I45 - Reference Service

        $I47 - Reference Date

        $I50 - Reference Number

        $I55 - Created Date

        $I60 - Created Time

        $I65 - Originating Program

        $I70 - Program Version

        $I75 - Object Cycle

        $I80 - Byline (Author)

        $I85 - Byline Title

        $I90 - City

        $I92 - Sublocation

        $I95 - Province State

        $I100 - Country Code

        $I101 - Country

        $I103 - Original Transmission Reference

        $I105 - Headline

        $I110 - Credit

        $I115 - Source

        $I116 - Copyright

        $I120 - Caption

        $I121 - Local Caption

        $I122 - Caption Writer

        Important/interesting EXIF tags/placeholders, according to EXIF specification:

        Placeholder Tag name/function

        $E270 - ImageDescription

        $E271 - Make

        $E272 - Model

        $E274 - Orientation

        $E282 - XResolution

        $E283 - YResolution

        $E296 - ResolutionUnit

        $E305 - Software

        $E306 - DateTime (see Appendix A for additional examples)

        $E318 - WhitePoint

        $E531 - YCbCrPositioning

        $E532 - ReferenceBlackWhite

        $E33434 - ExposureTime

        $E33437 - FNumber

        $E34850 - ExposureProgram

        $E34855 - ISOSpeedRatings

        $E36864 - ExifVersion

        $E36867 - DateTimeOriginal (see Appendix A for additional examples)

        $E36868 - DateTimeDigitized (see Appendix A for additional examples)

        $E37121 - ComponentsConfiguration

        $E37122 - CompressedBitsPerPixel

        $E37377 - ShutterSpeedValue

        $E37378 - ApertureValue

        $E37379 - BrightnessValue

        $E37380 - ExposureBiasValue

        $E37381 - MaxApertureValue

        $E37382 - SubjectDistance

        $E37383 - MeteringMode

        $E37384 - LightSource

        $E37385 - Flash

        $E37386 - FocalLength

        $E37510 - UserComment

        $E37520 - SubsecTime

        $E37521 - SubsecTimeOriginal

        $E37522 - SubsecTimeDigitized

        $E40960 - FlashPixVersion

        $E40961 - ColorSpace

        $E40962 - ExifImageWidth

        $E40963 - ExifImageHeight

        $E41483 - FlashEnergy

        $E41486 - FocalPlaneXResolution

        $E41487 - FocalPlaneYResolution

        $E41488 - FocalPlaneResolutionUnit

        $E41492 - SubjectLocation

        $E41493 - ExposureIndex

        $E41495 - SensingMethod

        $E41728 - FileSource

        $E41729 - SceneType

        $E41985 - CustomRendered

        $E41986 - ExposureMode

        $E41987 - WhiteBalance

        $E41988 - DigitalZoomRatio

        $E41989 - FocalLengthIn35mmFilm

        $E41990 - SceneCaptureType

        $E41991 - GainControl

        $E41992 - Contrast

        $E41993 - Saturation

        $E41994 - Sharpness

        $E41995 - DeviceSettingDescription

        $E41996 - SubjectDistanceRange

        $E401 - GPSLatitudeRef

        $E402 - GPSLatitude

        $E403 - GPSLongitudeRef

        $E404 - GPSLongitude

        $E405 - GPSAltitudeRef

        $E406 - GPSAltitude

        $E407 - GPSTimeStamp

        Note: You can also use special EXIF tags from vendor specifications (Nikon, Canon, Fuji, Casio, Olympus).

        Here is the list of tags for Nikon cameras (many models):

        Placeholder Tag name/function

        $E1 - Data Version

        $E2 - ISO Setting

        $E3 - Color Mode

        $E4 - Image Quality

        $E5 - White Balance

        $E6 - Image Sharpening

        $E7 - Focus Mode

        $E8 - Flash Setting

        $E9 - Flash Mode

        $E11 - White Balance Adjustment

        $E14 - Exposure Adjustment

        $E15 - ISO Selection

        $E18 - Flash Compensation

        $E19 - ISO 2

        $E128 - Image Adjustment

        $E129 - Tone Compensation

        $E130 - Auxiliary Lens

        $E131 - Lens Type

        $E132 - Lens

        $E133 - Manual Focus Distance

        $E134 - Digital Zoom

        $E135 - Flash Used

        $E136 - AF Focus Position

        $E137 - Bracketing

        $E141 - Color Mode

        $E144 - Light Type

        $E146 - Hue Adjustment

        $E148 - Saturation Adjustment

        $E149 - Noise Reduction

        Here is the list of tags for Canon cameras (many models):

        Placeholder Tag name/function

        $E1 - Macro mode

        $E2 - Self timer

        $E3 - Quality

        $E4 - Flash mode

        $E5 - Sequence mode

        $E7 - Focus mode

        $E10 - Image size

        $E11 - Easy shooting mode

        $E12 - Digital zoom

        $E13 - Contrast

        $E14 - Saturation

        $E15 - Sharpness

        $E16 - ISO Value

        $E17 - Metering mode

        $E18 - Focus type

        $E19 - AF point selected

        $E20 - Exposure mode

        $E25 - Focal length

        $E28 - Flash activity

        $E29 - Flash details

        $E32 - Focus mode 2

        $E40 - White Balance

        $E41 - Sequence number

        $E42 - AF point used

        $E43 - Flash bias

        $E44 - Subject Distance

        $E60 - Image Type

        $E70 - Firmware Version

        $E80 - Image Number

        $E90 - Owner Name

        $E93 - File Number

        $E120 - Camera Serial Number

        Appendix A

        By default, all date/time placeholders deliver full text including date and time. If you want to get only specific values, you can use additional placeholder options (ANSI C compatible):

        %Y - year, 4 numbers

        %y - year, 2 numbers (00-99)

        %m - month

        %d - day

        %H - hour

        %M - minute

        %S - second

        Examples for file, EXIF or system date: Year: 2005, month: 11, day: 29

        Placeholder Result text

        $T(%d.%m.%Y) - 29.11.2005

        $T(%Y%m%d) - 20051129

        $T(%d%m%y) - 291105

        $E36868(%Y_%m_%d) - 2005_11_29

        $T(%d_%m_%Y) - 29_11_2005

        $T(day:%d, month:%m, year: %Y) - day: 29, month: 11, year: 2005
        Before you post ... Edit your profile • IrfanView 4.67 • Windows 10 Home 19045.2486

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          Rename from command line...


          Is it possible to batch rename (and ONLY rename) from command line?
          I couldn't find any other switch other than /convert, however when I run this example...

          "G:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" PICTURE.JPG /convert="$T(%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S) $F"

          ... it creates new file with correct name, but different size, which means that it recompressed it. Is it possible to JUST rename files without conversion? (from command line!)



            Strange, this different size shouldn't happen imo.
            I did this renaming via the batch-dialog of IV, name was correct, and the filesize exactly the same.
            I have my doubts about the two " in the commandline.
            Rest In Peace, Sam!


              Does anyone know the exif placeholder code for shutter actuations? I can't seem to find this listed although IV reads this data and displays it as "Total pictures".

